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Module node_modules/vis-timeline/declarations




Type Aliases

Type Aliases

DataGroupCollectionType: DataGroup[] | DataInterfaceDataGroup
DataInterfaceDataGroup: DataInterface<DataGroup, "id">
DataInterfaceDataItem: DataInterface<DataItem, "id">
DataItemCollectionType: DataItem[] | DataInterfaceDataItem
DataSetDataGroup: DataSet<DataGroup, "id">
DataSetDataItem: DataSet<DataItem, "id">
DataViewDataGroup: DataView<DataGroup, "id">
DataViewDataItem: DataView<DataItem, "id">
DateType: Date | number | string
EasingFunction: "linear" | "easeInQuad" | "easeOutQuad" | "easeInOutQuad" | "easeInCubic" | "easeOutCubic" | "easeInOutCubic" | "easeInQuart" | "easeOutQuart" | "easeInOutQuart" | "easeInQuint" | "easeOutQuint" | "easeInOutQuint"
Graph2dBarChartAlign: "left" | "center" | "right"
Graph2dDrawPointsStyle: "square" | "circle"
Graph2dLegendOption: boolean | LegendOptions
Graph2dOptionBarChart: number | Graph2dBarChartOption
Graph2dOptionDataAxis: boolean | Graph2dDataAxisOption
Graph2dOptionDrawPoints: boolean | Graph2dDrawPointsOption
Graph2dStyleType: "line" | "bar" | "points"
HeightWidthType: IdType
IdType: string | number
LegendPositionType: "top-right" | "top-left" | "bottom-right" | "bottom-left"
MomentConstructor1: ((inp?: export=.MomentInput, format?: export=.MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean) => export=.Moment)

Type declaration

MomentConstructor2: ((inp?: export=.MomentInput, format?: export=.MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean) => export=.Moment)

Type declaration

ParametrizationInterpolationType: "centripetal" | "chordal" | "uniform" | "disabled"
RightLeftEnumType: "right" | "left"
SubgroupType: IdType
TimelineAlignType: "auto" | "center" | "left" | "right"
TimelineAnimationType: boolean | AnimationOptions

If true (default) or an Object, the range is animated smoothly to the new window. An object can be provided to specify duration and easing function. Default duration is 500 ms, and default easing function is 'easeInOutQuad'.

TimelineEventPropertiesResultWhatType: "item" | "background" | "axis" | "group-label" | "custom-time" | "current-time"
TimelineEvents: "currentTimeTick" | "click" | "contextmenu" | "doubleClick" | "drop" | "mouseOver" | "mouseDown" | "mouseUp" | "mouseMove" | "groupDragged" | "changed" | "rangechange" | "rangechanged" | "select" | "itemover" | "itemout" | "timechange" | "timechanged"
TimelineFormatLabelsFunction: ((date: Date, scale: string, step: number) => string)

Type declaration

    • (date: Date, scale: string, step: number): string
    • Parameters

      • date: Date
      • scale: string
      • step: number

      Returns string

TimelineItemEditableType: boolean | TimelineItemEditableOption
TimelineItemType: "box" | "point" | "range" | "background"
TimelineMarginItemType: number | TimelineMarginItem
TimelineOptionsCluster: { clusterCriteria?: TimelineOptionsClusterCriteriaFunction; fitOnDoubleClick?: boolean; maxItems?: number; showStipes?: boolean; titleTemplate?: string }

Type declaration

TimelineOptionsClusterCriteriaFunction: ((firstItem: TimelineItem, secondItem: TimelineItem) => boolean)

Type declaration

TimelineOptionsComparisonFunction: ((a: any, b: any) => number)

Type declaration

    • (a: any, b: any): number
    • Parameters

      • a: any
      • b: any

      Returns number

TimelineOptionsConfigureFunction: ((option: string, path: string[]) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (option: string, path: string[]): boolean
    • Parameters

      • option: string
      • path: string[]

      Returns boolean

TimelineOptionsConfigureType: boolean | TimelineOptionsConfigureFunction
TimelineOptionsDataAttributesType: boolean | string | string[]
TimelineOptionsEditableType: boolean | TimelineEditableOption
TimelineOptionsEventType: "box" | "point" | "range" | "background"
TimelineOptionsGroupCallbackFunction: ((group: TimelineGroup, callback: ((group: TimelineGroup | null) => void)) => void)

Type declaration

TimelineOptionsGroupEditableType: boolean | TimelineGroupEditableOption
TimelineOptionsGroupHeightModeType: "auto" | "fixed" | "fitItems"
TimelineOptionsGroupOrderSwapFunction: ((fromGroup: any, toGroup: any, groups: DataInterfaceDataGroup) => void)

Type declaration

TimelineOptionsGroupOrderType: string | TimelineOptionsComparisonFunction
TimelineOptionsHiddenDatesType: TimelineHiddenDateOption | TimelineHiddenDateOption[]
TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction: ((item: TimelineItem, callback: ((item: TimelineItem | null) => void)) => void)

Type declaration

TimelineOptionsItemsAlwaysDraggableType: boolean | TimelineItemsAlwaysDraggableOption
TimelineOptionsMarginType: number | TimelineMarginOption
TimelineOptionsOrientationType: string | TimelineOrientationOption
TimelineOptionsSnapFunction: ((date: Date, scale: string, step: number) => Date | number)

Type declaration

    • (date: Date, scale: string, step: number): Date | number
    • Parameters

      • date: Date
      • scale: string
      • step: number

      Returns Date | number

TimelineOptionsSnapType: null | TimelineOptionsSnapFunction
TimelineOptionsTemplateFunction: ((item?: any, element?: any, data?: any) => string | HTMLElement)

Type declaration

    • (item?: any, element?: any, data?: any): string | HTMLElement
    • Parameters

      • Optional item: any
      • Optional element: any
      • Optional data: any

      Returns string | HTMLElement

TimelineOptionsZoomKey: "" | "altKey" | "ctrlKey" | "shiftKey" | "metaKey"
TimelineTimeAxisScaleType: "millisecond" | "second" | "minute" | "hour" | "weekday" | "day" | "week" | "month" | "year"
TopBottomEnumType: "top" | "bottom"

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