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Delivery Fleet Location Provider.

Access by calling const {FleetEngineDeliveryFleetLocationProvider} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing"). See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries.





deliveryVehicleFilter?: null | string

The filter applied when fetching the delivery vehicles.

isPolling: boolean

True if this location provider is polling. Read only.

locationRestriction?: null | LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral

The bounds within which to track delivery vehicles. If no bounds are set, no delivery vehicles will be tracked. To track all delivery vehicles regardless of location, set bounds equivalent to the entire earth.

pollingIntervalMillis: number

Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, the next location update is not started until the current one finishes.

Setting this value to 0, Infinity, or a negative value disables automatic location updates. A new location update is fetched once if the tracking ID parameter (for example, the shipment tracking ID of the shipment location provider), or a filtering option (for example, viewport bounds or attribute filters for fleet location providers) changes.

The default, and minimum, polling interval is 5000 milliseconds. If you set the polling interval to a lower positive value, 5000 is stored and used.

staleLocationThresholdMillis: number

This Field is read-only. Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed.


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