  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All





angle: number

Angle moved.

center: HammerPoint

Center position for multi-touch, or just the single pointer.

changedPointers: any[]

Array with all new/moved/lost pointers.

deltaTime: number

Total time in ms since the first input.

deltaX: number

Movement of the X axis.

deltaY: number

Movement of the Y axis.

direction: number

Direction moved. Matches the DIRECTION constants.

distance: number

Distance moved.

eventType: 2 | 1 | 4 | 8

Event type, matches the INPUT constants.

isFinal: boolean

true when the final (last) input.

isFirst: boolean

true when the first input.

maxPointers: number

Maximum number of pointers detected in the gesture

offsetDirection: number

Direction moved from it's starting point. Matches the DIRECTION constants.

overallVelocity: number
overallVelocityX: number
overallVelocityY: number
pointerType: string

Primary pointer type, could be touch, mouse, pen or kinect.

pointers: any[]

Array with all pointers, including the ended pointers (touchend, mouseup).

preventDefault: Function

Reference to the srcEvent.preventDefault() method. Only for experts!

rotation: number

Rotation that has been done when multi-touch. 0 on a single touch.

scale: number

Scaling that has been done when multi-touch. 1 on a single touch.

srcEvent: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent

Source event object, type TouchEvent, MouseEvent or PointerEvent.

target: HTMLElement

Target that received the event.

timeStamp: number

Timestamp of a gesture

type: string

Name of the event. Like panstart.

velocity: number

Highest velocityX/Y value.

velocityX: number

Velocity on the X axis, in px/ms.

velocityY: number

Velocity on the Y axis, in px/ms


  • destroy(): void
  • handler(): void
  • init(): void

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