  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All






alignContent?: null | string | number
alignItems?: null | string | number
alignSelf?: null | string | number
alignmentBaseline?: null | string | number
all?: null | string | number
animation?: null | string | number
animationDelay?: null | string | number
animationDirection?: null | string | number
animationDuration?: null | string | number
animationFillMode?: null | string | number
animationIterationCount?: null | string | number
animationName?: null | string | number
animationPlayState?: null | string | number
animationTimingFunction?: null | string | number
appearance?: null | string | number
aspectRatio?: null | string | number
backfaceVisibility?: null | string | number
background?: null | string | number
backgroundAttachment?: null | string | number
backgroundBlendMode?: null | string | number
backgroundClip?: null | string | number
backgroundColor?: null | string | number
backgroundImage?: null | string | number
backgroundOrigin?: null | string | number
backgroundPosition?: null | string | number
backgroundPositionX?: null | string | number
backgroundPositionY?: null | string | number
backgroundRepeat?: null | string | number
backgroundSize?: null | string | number
baselineShift?: null | string | number
blockSize?: null | string | number
border?: null | string | number
borderBlock?: null | string | number
borderBlockColor?: null | string | number
borderBlockEnd?: null | string | number
borderBlockEndColor?: null | string | number
borderBlockEndStyle?: null | string | number
borderBlockEndWidth?: null | string | number
borderBlockStart?: null | string | number
borderBlockStartColor?: null | string | number
borderBlockStartStyle?: null | string | number
borderBlockStartWidth?: null | string | number
borderBlockStyle?: null | string | number
borderBlockWidth?: null | string | number
borderBottom?: null | string | number
borderBottomColor?: null | string | number
borderBottomLeftRadius?: null | string | number
borderBottomRightRadius?: null | string | number
borderBottomStyle?: null | string | number
borderBottomWidth?: null | string | number
borderCollapse?: null | string | number
borderColor?: null | string | number
borderEndEndRadius?: null | string | number
borderEndStartRadius?: null | string | number
borderImage?: null | string | number
borderImageOutset?: null | string | number
borderImageRepeat?: null | string | number
borderImageSlice?: null | string | number
borderImageSource?: null | string | number
borderImageWidth?: null | string | number
borderInline?: null | string | number
borderInlineColor?: null | string | number
borderInlineEnd?: null | string | number
borderInlineEndColor?: null | string | number
borderInlineEndStyle?: null | string | number
borderInlineEndWidth?: null | string | number
borderInlineStart?: null | string | number
borderInlineStartColor?: null | string | number
borderInlineStartStyle?: null | string | number
borderInlineStartWidth?: null | string | number
borderInlineStyle?: null | string | number
borderInlineWidth?: null | string | number
borderLeft?: null | string | number
borderLeftColor?: null | string | number
borderLeftStyle?: null | string | number
borderLeftWidth?: null | string | number
borderRadius?: null | string | number
borderRight?: null | string | number
borderRightColor?: null | string | number
borderRightStyle?: null | string | number
borderRightWidth?: null | string | number
borderSpacing?: null | string | number
borderStartEndRadius?: null | string | number
borderStartStartRadius?: null | string | number
borderStyle?: null | string | number
borderTop?: null | string | number
borderTopColor?: null | string | number
borderTopLeftRadius?: null | string | number
borderTopRightRadius?: null | string | number
borderTopStyle?: null | string | number
borderTopWidth?: null | string | number
borderWidth?: null | string | number
bottom?: null | string | number
boxShadow?: null | string | number
boxSizing?: null | string | number
breakAfter?: null | string | number
breakBefore?: null | string | number
breakInside?: null | string | number
captionSide?: null | string | number
caretColor?: null | string | number
clear?: null | string | number
clip?: null | string | number
clipPath?: null | string | number
clipRule?: null | string | number
color?: null | string | number
colorInterpolation?: null | string | number
colorInterpolationFilters?: null | string | number
colorScheme?: null | string | number
columnCount?: null | string | number
columnFill?: null | string | number
columnGap?: null | string | number
columnRule?: null | string | number
columnRuleColor?: null | string | number
columnRuleStyle?: null | string | number
columnRuleWidth?: null | string | number
columnSpan?: null | string | number
columnWidth?: null | string | number
columns?: null | string | number
contain?: null | string | number
content?: null | string | number
counterIncrement?: null | string | number
counterReset?: null | string | number
counterSet?: null | string | number
cssFloat?: null | string | number
cssText?: null | string
cursor?: null | string | number
direction?: null | string | number
display?: null | string | number
dominantBaseline?: null | string | number
emptyCells?: null | string | number
fill?: null | string | number
fillOpacity?: null | string | number
fillRule?: null | string | number
filter?: null | string | number
flex?: null | string | number
flexBasis?: null | string | number
flexDirection?: null | string | number
flexFlow?: null | string | number
flexGrow?: null | string | number
flexShrink?: null | string | number
flexWrap?: null | string | number
float?: null | string | number
floodColor?: null | string | number
floodOpacity?: null | string | number
font?: null | string | number
fontFamily?: null | string | number
fontFeatureSettings?: null | string | number
fontKerning?: null | string | number
fontOpticalSizing?: null | string | number
fontSize?: null | string | number
fontSizeAdjust?: null | string | number
fontStretch?: null | string | number
fontStyle?: null | string | number
fontSynthesis?: null | string | number
fontVariant?: null | string | number
fontVariantAlternates?: null | string | number
fontVariantCaps?: null | string | number
fontVariantEastAsian?: null | string | number
fontVariantLigatures?: null | string | number
fontVariantNumeric?: null | string | number
fontVariantPosition?: null | string | number
fontVariationSettings?: null | string | number
fontWeight?: null | string | number
gap?: null | string | number
grid?: null | string | number
gridArea?: null | string | number
gridAutoColumns?: null | string | number
gridAutoFlow?: null | string | number
gridAutoRows?: null | string | number
gridColumn?: null | string | number
gridColumnEnd?: null | string | number
gridColumnGap?: null | string | number
gridColumnStart?: null | string | number
gridGap?: null | string | number
gridRow?: null | string | number
gridRowEnd?: null | string | number
gridRowGap?: null | string | number
gridRowStart?: null | string | number
gridTemplate?: null | string | number
gridTemplateAreas?: null | string | number
gridTemplateColumns?: null | string | number
gridTemplateRows?: null | string | number
height?: null | string | number
hyphens?: null | string | number
imageOrientation?: null | string | number
imageRendering?: null | string | number
inlineSize?: null | string | number
inset?: null | string | number
insetBlock?: null | string | number
insetBlockEnd?: null | string | number
insetBlockStart?: null | string | number
insetInline?: null | string | number
insetInlineEnd?: null | string | number
insetInlineStart?: null | string | number
isolation?: null | string | number
justifyContent?: null | string | number
justifyItems?: null | string | number
justifySelf?: null | string | number
left?: null | string | number
length?: null | string | number
letterSpacing?: null | string | number
lightingColor?: null | string | number
lineBreak?: null | string | number
lineHeight?: null | string | number
listStyle?: null | string | number
listStyleImage?: null | string | number
listStylePosition?: null | string | number
listStyleType?: null | string | number
margin?: null | string | number
marginBlock?: null | string | number
marginBlockEnd?: null | string | number
marginBlockStart?: null | string | number
marginBottom?: null | string | number
marginInline?: null | string | number
marginInlineEnd?: null | string | number
marginInlineStart?: null | string | number
marginLeft?: null | string | number
marginRight?: null | string | number
marginTop?: null | string | number
marker?: null | string | number
markerEnd?: null | string | number
markerMid?: null | string | number
markerStart?: null | string | number
mask?: null | string | number
maskType?: null | string | number
maxBlockSize?: null | string | number
maxHeight?: null | string | number
maxInlineSize?: null | string | number
maxWidth?: null | string | number
minBlockSize?: null | string | number
minHeight?: null | string | number
minInlineSize?: null | string | number
minWidth?: null | string | number
mixBlendMode?: null | string | number
objectFit?: null | string | number
objectPosition?: null | string | number
offset?: null | string | number
offsetAnchor?: null | string | number
offsetDistance?: null | string | number
offsetPath?: null | string | number
offsetRotate?: null | string | number
opacity?: null | string | number
order?: null | string | number
orphans?: null | string | number
outline?: null | string | number
outlineColor?: null | string | number
outlineOffset?: null | string | number
outlineStyle?: null | string | number
outlineWidth?: null | string | number
overflow?: null | string | number
overflowAnchor?: null | string | number
overflowWrap?: null | string | number
overflowX?: null | string | number
overflowY?: null | string | number
overscrollBehavior?: null | string | number
overscrollBehaviorBlock?: null | string | number
overscrollBehaviorInline?: null | string | number
overscrollBehaviorX?: null | string | number
overscrollBehaviorY?: null | string | number
padding?: null | string | number
paddingBlock?: null | string | number
paddingBlockEnd?: null | string | number
paddingBlockStart?: null | string | number
paddingBottom?: null | string | number
paddingInline?: null | string | number
paddingInlineEnd?: null | string | number
paddingInlineStart?: null | string | number
paddingLeft?: null | string | number
paddingRight?: null | string | number
paddingTop?: null | string | number
pageBreakAfter?: null | string | number
pageBreakBefore?: null | string | number
pageBreakInside?: null | string | number
paintOrder?: null | string | number
parentRule?: null | string | number
perspective?: null | string | number
perspectiveOrigin?: null | string | number
placeContent?: null | string | number
placeItems?: null | string | number
placeSelf?: null | string | number
pointerEvents?: null | string | number
position?: null | string | number
quotes?: null | string | number
resize?: null | string | number
right?: null | string | number
rotate?: null | string | number
rowGap?: null | string | number
rubyPosition?: null | string | number
scale?: null | string | number
scrollBehavior?: null | string | number
scrollMargin?: null | string | number
scrollMarginBlock?: null | string | number
scrollMarginBlockEnd?: null | string | number
scrollMarginBlockStart?: null | string | number
scrollMarginBottom?: null | string | number
scrollMarginInline?: null | string | number
scrollMarginInlineEnd?: null | string | number
scrollMarginInlineStart?: null | string | number
scrollMarginLeft?: null | string | number
scrollMarginRight?: null | string | number
scrollMarginTop?: null | string | number
scrollPadding?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingBlock?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingBlockEnd?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingBlockStart?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingBottom?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingInline?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingInlineEnd?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingInlineStart?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingLeft?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingRight?: null | string | number
scrollPaddingTop?: null | string | number
scrollSnapAlign?: null | string | number
scrollSnapStop?: null | string | number
scrollSnapType?: null | string | number
shapeImageThreshold?: null | string | number
shapeMargin?: null | string | number
shapeOutside?: null | string | number
shapeRendering?: null | string | number
stopColor?: null | string | number
stopOpacity?: null | string | number
stroke?: null | string | number
strokeDasharray?: null | string | number
strokeDashoffset?: null | string | number
strokeLinecap?: null | string | number
strokeLinejoin?: null | string | number
strokeMiterlimit?: null | string | number
strokeOpacity?: null | string | number
strokeWidth?: null | string | number
tabSize?: null | string | number
tableLayout?: null | string | number
textAlign?: null | string | number
textAlignLast?: null | string | number
textAnchor?: null | string | number
textCombineUpright?: null | string | number
textDecoration?: null | string | number
textDecorationColor?: null | string | number
textDecorationLine?: null | string | number
textDecorationSkipInk?: null | string | number
textDecorationStyle?: null | string | number
textDecorationThickness?: null | string | number
textEmphasis?: null | string | number
textEmphasisColor?: null | string | number
textEmphasisPosition?: null | string | number
textEmphasisStyle?: null | string | number
textIndent?: null | string | number
textOrientation?: null | string | number
textOverflow?: null | string | number
textRendering?: null | string | number
textShadow?: null | string | number
textTransform?: null | string | number
textUnderlineOffset?: null | string | number
textUnderlinePosition?: null | string | number
top?: null | string | number
touchAction?: null | string | number
transform?: null | string | number
transformBox?: null | string | number
transformOrigin?: null | string | number
transformStyle?: null | string | number
transition?: null | string | number
transitionDelay?: null | string | number
transitionDuration?: null | string | number
transitionProperty?: null | string | number
transitionTimingFunction?: null | string | number
translate?: null | string | number
unicodeBidi?: null | string | number
userSelect?: null | string | number
verticalAlign?: null | string | number
visibility?: null | string | number
webkitAlignContent?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of alignContent.

webkitAlignItems?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of alignItems.

webkitAlignSelf?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of alignSelf.

webkitAnimation?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animation.

webkitAnimationDelay?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationDelay.

webkitAnimationDirection?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationDirection.

webkitAnimationDuration?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationDuration.

webkitAnimationFillMode?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationFillMode.

webkitAnimationIterationCount?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationIterationCount.

webkitAnimationName?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationName.

webkitAnimationPlayState?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationPlayState.

webkitAnimationTimingFunction?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of animationTimingFunction.

webkitAppearance?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of appearance.

webkitBackfaceVisibility?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of backfaceVisibility.

webkitBackgroundClip?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of backgroundClip.

webkitBackgroundOrigin?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of backgroundOrigin.

webkitBackgroundSize?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of backgroundSize.

webkitBorderBottomLeftRadius?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of borderBottomLeftRadius.

webkitBorderBottomRightRadius?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of borderBottomRightRadius.

webkitBorderRadius?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of borderRadius.

webkitBorderTopLeftRadius?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of borderTopLeftRadius.

webkitBorderTopRightRadius?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of borderTopRightRadius.

webkitBoxAlign?: null | string | number
webkitBoxFlex?: null | string | number
webkitBoxOrdinalGroup?: null | string | number
webkitBoxOrient?: null | string | number
webkitBoxPack?: null | string | number
webkitBoxShadow?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of boxShadow.

webkitBoxSizing?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of boxSizing.

webkitFilter?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of filter.

webkitFlex?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flex.

webkitFlexBasis?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexBasis.

webkitFlexDirection?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexDirection.

webkitFlexFlow?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexFlow.

webkitFlexGrow?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexGrow.

webkitFlexShrink?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexShrink.

webkitFlexWrap?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of flexWrap.

webkitJustifyContent?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of justifyContent.

webkitLineClamp?: null | string | number
webkitMask?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of mask.

webkitMaskBoxImage?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorder.

webkitMaskBoxImageOutset?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorderOutset.

webkitMaskBoxImageRepeat?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorderRepeat.

webkitMaskBoxImageSlice?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorderSlice.

webkitMaskBoxImageSource?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorderSource.

webkitMaskBoxImageWidth?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskBorderWidth.

webkitMaskClip?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskClip.

webkitMaskComposite?: null | string | number
webkitMaskImage?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskImage.

webkitMaskOrigin?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskOrigin.

webkitMaskPosition?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskPosition.

webkitMaskRepeat?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskRepeat.

webkitMaskSize?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of maskSize.

webkitOrder?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of order.

webkitPerspective?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of perspective.

webkitPerspectiveOrigin?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of perspectiveOrigin.

webkitTextFillColor?: null | string | number
webkitTextStroke?: null | string | number
webkitTextStrokeColor?: null | string | number
webkitTextStrokeWidth?: null | string | number
webkitTransform?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transform.

webkitTransformOrigin?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transformOrigin.

webkitTransformStyle?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transformStyle.

webkitTransition?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transition.

webkitTransitionDelay?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transitionDelay.

webkitTransitionDuration?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transitionDuration.

webkitTransitionProperty?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transitionProperty.

webkitTransitionTimingFunction?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of transitionTimingFunction.

webkitUserSelect?: null | string | number

This is a legacy alias of userSelect.

whiteSpace?: null | string | number
widows?: null | string | number
width?: null | string | number
willChange?: null | string | number
wordBreak?: null | string | number
wordSpacing?: null | string | number
wordWrap?: null | string | number
writingMode?: null | string | number
zIndex?: null | string | number


      Generated using TypeDoc