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A single route containing a set of legs in a DirectionsResult. Note that though this object is "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it directly and indirectly includes LatLng objects.


  • DirectionsRoute



bounds: LatLngBounds

The bounds for this route.

copyrights: string

Copyrights text to be displayed for this route.

The total fare for the whole transit trip. Only applicable to transit requests.

An array of DirectionsLegs, each of which contains information about the steps of which it is composed. There will be one leg for each stopover waypoint or destination specified. So a route with no stopover waypoints will contain one DirectionsLeg and a route with one stopover waypoint will contain two.

overview_path: LatLng[]

An array of LatLngs representing the entire course of this route. The path is simplified in order to make it suitable in contexts where a small number of vertices is required (such as Static Maps API URLs).

overview_polyline: string

An encoded polyline representation of the route in overview_path. This polyline is an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting directions.

summary: string

Contains a short textual description for the route, suitable for naming and disambiguating the route from alternatives.

warnings: string[]

Warnings to be displayed when showing these directions.

waypoint_order: number[]

If optimizeWaypoints was set to true, this field will contain the re-ordered permutation of the input waypoints. For example, if the input was:
  Origin: Los Angeles
  Waypoints: Dallas, Bangor, Phoenix
  Destination: New York
and the optimized output was ordered as follows:
  Origin: Los Angeles
  Waypoints: Phoenix, Dallas, Bangor
  Destination: New York
then this field will be an Array containing the values [2, 0, 1]. Note that the numbering of waypoints is zero-based.
If any of the input waypoints has stopover set to false, this field will be empty, since route optimization is not available for such queries.

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