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An interface representing a map layer containing features of a specific google.maps.FeatureType whose style can be overridden client-side, or have events attached.


  • FeatureLayer



datasetId?: string

Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. The Dataset ID for this FeatureLayer. Only present if the featureType is FeatureType.DATASET.

featureType: FeatureType

The FeatureType associated with this FeatureLayer.

isAvailable: boolean

Whether this FeatureLayer is available, meaning whether Data-driven styling is available for this map (there is a map ID using vector tiles with this FeatureLayer enabled in the Google Cloud Console map style.) If this is false (or becomes false), styling on this FeatureLayer returns to default and events are not triggered.

The style of Features in the FeatureLayer. The style is applied when style is set. If your style function updates, you must set the style property again. A FeatureStyleFunction must return consistent results when it is applied over the map tiles, and should be optimized for performance. Asynchronous functions are not supported. If you use a FeatureStyleOptions, all features of that layer will be styled with the same FeatureStyleOptions. Set the style to null to remove the previously set style. If this FeatureLayer is not available, setting style does nothing and logs an error.


  • Adds the given listener function to the given event name. Returns an identifier for this listener that can be used with google.maps.event.removeListener.


    • eventName: string

      Observed event.

    • handler: Function

      Function to handle events.

    Returns MapsEventListener

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