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The specification for a geocoding request to be sent to the Geocoder.


  • GeocoderRequest



address?: null | string

Address to geocode. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.

LatLngBounds within which to search. Optional.

componentRestrictions?: null | GeocoderComponentRestrictions

Components are used to restrict results to a specific area. A filter consists of one or more of: route, locality, administrativeArea, postalCode, country. Only the results that match all the filters will be returned. Filter values support the same methods of spelling correction and partial matching as other geocoding requests. Optional.

language?: null | string

A language identifier for the language in which results should be returned, when possible. See the list of supported languages.

location?: null | LatLng | LatLngLiteral

LatLng (or LatLngLiteral) for which to search. The geocoder performs a reverse geocode. See Reverse Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.

placeId?: null | string

The place ID associated with the location. Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps. Learn more about place IDs in the Places API developer guide. The geocoder performs a reverse geocode. See Reverse Geocoding for more information. One, and only one, of address, location and placeId must be supplied.

region?: null | string

Country code used to bias the search, specified as a two-character (non-numeric) Unicode region subtag / CLDR identifier. Optional. See Google Maps Platform Coverage Details for supported regions.

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