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This interface defines the map type, and is typically used for custom map types. Immutable.


  • MapType

Implemented by



alt: null | string

Alt text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the MapTypeControl. Optional.

maxZoom: number

The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Required for base MapTypes, ignored for overlay MapTypes.

minZoom: number

The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional; defaults to 0.

name: null | string

Name to display in the MapTypeControl. Optional.

projection: null | Projection

The Projection used to render this MapType. Optional; defaults to Mercator.

radius: number

Radius of the planet for the map, in meters. Optional; defaults to Earth's equatorial radius of 6378137 meters.

tileSize: null | Size

The dimensions of each tile. Required.


  • getTile(tileCoord: null | google.maps.Point, zoom: number, ownerDocument: null | Document): null | Element
  • Returns a tile for the given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. This tile will be appended to the given ownerDocument. Not available for base map types.


    • tileCoord: null | google.maps.Point

      Tile coordinates.

    • zoom: number

      Tile zoom.

    • ownerDocument: null | Document

      The document which owns this tile.

    Returns null | Element

  • releaseTile(tile: null | Element): void
  • Releases the given tile, performing any necessary cleanup. The provided tile will have already been removed from the document. Optional.


    • tile: null | Element

      Tile to release.

    Returns void

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