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Options defining the properties of a StreetViewPanorama object.


  • StreetViewPanoramaOptions



addressControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the address control.

addressControlOptions?: null | StreetViewAddressControlOptions

The display options for the address control.

clickToGo?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of click-to-go. Not applicable to custom panoramas.



controlSize?: null | number

Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the panorama. This value must be supplied directly when creating the Panorama, updating this value later may bring the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls made by the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom controls.

disableDefaultUI?: null | boolean

Enables/disables all default UI. May be overridden individually.

disableDoubleClickZoom?: null | boolean

Enables/disables zoom on double click.



enableCloseButton?: null | boolean

If true, the close button is displayed.



fullscreenControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the fullscreen control.

fullscreenControlOptions?: null | FullscreenControlOptions

The display options for the fullscreen control.

imageDateControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the imagery acquisition date control. Disabled by default.

linksControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the links control.

motionTracking?: null | boolean

Whether motion tracking is on or off. Enabled by default when the motion tracking control is present and permission is granted by a user or not required, so that the POV (point of view) follows the orientation of the device. This is primarily applicable to mobile devices. If motionTracking is set to false while motionTrackingControl is enabled, the motion tracking control appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the motion tracking control to toggle this option. If motionTracking is set to true while permission is required but not yet requested, the motion tracking control appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the motion tracking control to request permission. If motionTracking is set to true while permission is denied by a user, the motion tracking control appears disabled with tracking turned off.

motionTrackingControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the motion tracking control. Enabled by default when the device has motion data, so that the control appears on the map. This is primarily applicable to mobile devices.

motionTrackingControlOptions?: null | MotionTrackingControlOptions

The display options for the motion tracking control.

panControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the pan control.

panControlOptions?: null | PanControlOptions

The display options for the pan control.

pano?: null | string

The panorama ID, which should be set when specifying a custom panorama.

position?: null | LatLng | LatLngLiteral

The LatLng position of the Street View panorama.

pov?: null | StreetViewPov

The camera orientation, specified as heading and pitch, for the panorama.

scrollwheel?: null | boolean

If false, disables scrollwheel zooming in Street View.



showRoadLabels?: null | boolean

The display of street names on the panorama. If this value is not specified, or is set to true, street names are displayed on the panorama. If set to false, street names are not displayed.



visible?: null | boolean

If true, the Street View panorama is visible on load.

zoom?: null | number

The zoom of the panorama, specified as a number. A zoom of 0 gives a 180 degrees Field of View.

zoomControl?: null | boolean

The enabled/disabled state of the zoom control.

zoomControlOptions?: null | ZoomControlOptions

The display options for the zoom control.

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