  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Details about the departure, arrival, and mode of transit used in this step.


  • TransitDetails



arrival_stop: TransitStop

The arrival stop of this transit step.

arrival_time: Time

The arrival time of this step, specified as a Time object.

departure_stop: TransitStop

The departure stop of this transit step.

departure_time: Time

The departure time of this step, specified as a Time object.

headsign: string

The direction in which to travel on this line, as it is marked on the vehicle or at the departure stop.

headway: number

The expected number of seconds between equivalent vehicles at this stop.

Details about the transit line used in this step.

num_stops: number

The number of stops on this step. Includes the arrival stop, but not the departure stop.

trip_short_name: string

The text that appears in schedules and sign boards to identify a transit trip to passengers, for example, to identify train numbers for commuter rail trips. The text uniquely identifies a trip within a service day.

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