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The details for a delivery vehicle returned by Fleet Engine.


  • DeliveryVehicle



attributes: {}

Custom delivery vehicle attributes.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string | null
currentRouteSegmentEndPoint: null | LatLngLiteral

The location where the current route segment ends.

latestVehicleLocationUpdate: null | VehicleLocationUpdate

The last reported location of the delivery vehicle.

name: string

In the format "providers/{provider_id}/deliveryVehicles/{delivery_vehicle_id}". The delivery_vehicle_id must be a unique identifier.

navigationStatus: string

The current navigation status of the vehicle.

remainingDistanceMeters: number

The remaining driving distance in the current route segment, in meters.

remainingDurationMillis: null | number

The remaining driving duration in the current route segment, in milliseconds.

remainingVehicleJourneySegments: VehicleJourneySegment[]

The journey segments assigned to this delivery vehicle, starting from the vehicle's most recently reported location. This is only populated when the google.maps.journeySharing.DeliveryVehicle data object is provided through google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineDeliveryVehicleLocationProvider.

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