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Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3.

Options for fleet location provider.


  • FleetEngineFleetLocationProviderOptions



locationRestriction: null | LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral

The latitude/longitude bounds within which to track vehicles immediately after the location provider is instantiated. If not set, the location provider does not start tracking any vehicles; use google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineFleetLocationProvider.locationRestriction to set the bounds and begin tracking. To track all vehicles regardless of location, set bounds equivalent to the entire earth.

projectId: string

The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console.

staleLocationThresholdMillis: null | number

Threshold for stale vehicle location. If the last updated location for the vehicle is older than this threshold, the vehicle will not be displayed. Defaults to 24 hours in milliseconds. If the threshold is less than zero, or Infinity, the threshold will be ignored and the vehicle location will not be considered stale.

vehicleFilter: null | string

A filter query to apply when fetching vehicles. This filter is passed directly to Fleet Engine.

See ListVehiclesRequest.filter for supported formats.

Note that valid filters for attributes must have the "attributes" prefix. For example, attributes.x = "y" or attributes."x y" = "z".

vehicleMarkerCustomization?: null | ((a: VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to a vehicle marker.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.MarkerOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.VehicleMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.


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