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Options for the map view.


  • JourneySharingMapViewOptions



anticipatedRoutePolylineSetup?: null | PolylineSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultPolylineSetupOptions) => PolylineSetupOptions)

Configures options for an anticipated route polyline. Invoked whenever a new anticipated route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field containing a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as polylineOptions in the output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying a PolylineSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same PolylineSetupOptions object in different PolylineSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the polylineOptions key in different PolylineSetupOptions objects. If polylineOptions or visible is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any values set for polylineOptions.map or polylineOptions.path will be ignored.


Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

automaticViewportMode?: null | AutomaticViewportMode

Automatic viewport mode. Default value is FIT_ANTICIPATED_ROUTE, which enables the map view to automatically adjust the viewport to fit vehicle markers, location markers, and any visible anticipated route polylines. Set this to NONE to turn off automatic fitting.

destinationMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for a destination location marker. Invoked whenever a new destination marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

element: Element

The DOM element backing the view. Required.

locationProvider: null | LocationProvider

A source of tracked locations to be shown in the tracking map view. Optional.


Use google.maps.journeySharing.JourneySharingMapViewOptions.locationProviders instead.

locationProviders: null | LocationProvider[]

Sources of tracked locations to be shown in the tracking map view. Optional.

mapOptions?: null | MapOptions

Map options passed into the google.maps.Map constructor.

originMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for an origin location marker. Invoked whenever a new origin marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

Configures options for a ping location marker. Invoked whenever a new ping marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

successfulTaskMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for a successful task location marker. Invoked whenever a new successful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

takenRoutePolylineSetup?: null | PolylineSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultPolylineSetupOptions) => PolylineSetupOptions)

Configures options for a taken route polyline. Invoked whenever a new taken route polyline is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultPolylineOptions field containing a google.maps.PolylineOptions object, and return it as polylineOptions in the output PolylineSetupOptions object.

Specifying a PolylineSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same PolylineSetupOptions object in different PolylineSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.PolylineOptions object for the polylineOptions key in different PolylineSetupOptions objects.

Any values set for polylineOptions.map or polylineOptions.path will be ignored. Any unset or null value will be overwritten with the default.


Polyline setup is deprecated. Use the PolylineCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

taskOutcomeMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for a task outcome location marker. Invoked whenever a new task outcome location marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

unsuccessfulTaskMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for an unsuccessful task location marker. Invoked whenever a new unsuccessful task marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

vehicleMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for a vehicle location marker. Invoked whenever a new vehicle marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

waypointMarkerSetup?: null | MarkerSetupOptions | ((a: DefaultMarkerSetupOptions) => MarkerSetupOptions)

Configures options for a waypoint location marker. Invoked whenever a new waypoint marker is rendered.

If specifying a function, the function can and should modify the input's defaultMarkerOptions field containing a google.maps.MarkerOptions object, and return it as markerOptions in the output MarkerSetupOptions object.

Specifying a MarkerSetupOptions object has the same effect as specifying a function that returns that static object.

Do not reuse the same MarkerSetupOptions object in different MarkerSetup functions or static values, and do not reuse the same google.maps.MarkerOptions object for the markerOptions key in different MarkerSetupOptions objects. If markerOptions is unset or null, it will be overwritten with the default. Any value set for markerOptions.map or markerOptions.position will be ignored.


Marker setup is deprecated. Use the MarkerCustomizationFunction methods for your location provider instead. This field will be removed in the future.

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