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The details for a task returned by Fleet Engine.


  • Task



attributes: {}

Attributes assigned to the task.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: unknown
estimatedCompletionTime: null | Date

The timestamp of the estimated completion time of the task.

latestVehicleLocationUpdate: null | VehicleLocationUpdate

Information specific to the last location update.

name: string

The task name in the format "providers/{provider_id}/tasks/{task_id}". The task_id must be a unique identifier and not a tracking ID. To store a tracking ID of a shipment, use the tracking_id field. Multiple tasks can have the same tracking_id.

outcome: null | string

The outcome of the task.

outcomeLocation: null | LatLngLiteral

The location where the task was completed (from provider).

outcomeLocationSource: null | string

The setter of the task outcome location ('PROVIDER' or 'LAST_VEHICLE_LOCATION').

outcomeTime: null | Date

The timestamp of when the task's outcome was set (from provider).

plannedLocation: null | LatLngLiteral

The location where the task is to be completed.

remainingVehicleJourneySegments: VehicleJourneySegment[]

Information about the segments left to be completed for this task.

status: string

The current execution state of the task.

targetTimeWindow: null | TimeWindow

The time window during which the task should be completed.

trackingId: null | string

The tracking ID of the shipment.

type: string

The task type; for example, a break or shipment.

vehicleId: null | string

The ID of the vehicle performing this task.

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