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The details for a task tracking info object returned by Fleet Engine.


  • TaskTrackingInfo



attributes: {}

Attributes assigned to the task.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: unknown
estimatedArrivalTime: null | Date

The estimated arrival time to the stop location.

estimatedTaskCompletionTime: null | Date

The estimated completion time of a Task.

latestVehicleLocationUpdate: null | VehicleLocationUpdate

Information specific to the last location update.

name: string

The name in the format "providers/{provider_id}/taskTrackingInfo/{tracking_id}", where tracking_id represents the tracking ID.

plannedLocation: null | LatLng

The location where the Task will be completed.

remainingDrivingDistanceMeters: null | number

The total remaining distance in meters to the VehicleStop of interest.

remainingStopCount: null | number

Indicates the number of stops the vehicle remaining until the task stop is reached, including the task stop. For example, if the vehicle's next stop is the task stop, the value will be 1.

routePolylinePoints: null | LatLng[]

A list of points which when connected forms a polyline of the vehicle's expected route to the location of this task.

state: null | string

The current execution state of the Task.

targetTimeWindow: null | TimeWindow

The time window during which the task should be completed.

taskOutcome: null | string

The outcome of attempting to execute a Task.

taskOutcomeTime: null | Date

The time when the Task's outcome was set by the provider.

trackingId: string

The tracking ID of a Task.

  • Must be a valid Unicode string.
  • Limited to a maximum length of 64 characters.
  • Normalized according to Unicode Normalization Form C.
  • May not contain any of the following ASCII characters: '/', ':', '?', ',', or '#'.

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