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Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3.

TripWaypoint type.


  • TripWaypoint



distanceMeters: null | number

The path distance between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in meters.

durationMillis: null | number

Travel time between the previous waypoint (or the vehicle's current location, if this waypoint is the first in the list of waypoints) to this waypoint in milliseconds.

location: null | LatLng

The location of the waypoint.

path: null | LatLng[]

The path from the previous stop (or the vehicle's current location, if this stop is the first in the list of stops) to this stop.

speedReadingIntervals: null | SpeedReadingInterval[]

The list of traffic speeds along the path from the previous waypoint (or vehicle location) to the current waypoint. Each interval in the list describes the traffic on a contiguous segment on the path; the interval defines the starting and ending points of the segment via their indices. See the definition of google.maps.journeySharing.SpeedReadingInterval for more details.

tripId: null | string

The trip associated with this waypoint.

waypointType: null | WaypointType

The role this waypoint plays in this trip, such as pickup or dropoff.

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