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Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3.


  • LocalContextMapViewOptions

Implemented by



directionsOptions?: null | MapDirectionsOptionsLiteral

Options for customizing directions. If not set, directions and distance will be disabled.

element?: null | HTMLElement | SVGElement

This Field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view.

locationBias?: null | string | Circle | LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral | LatLng | LatLngLiteral | CircleLiteral

A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places.



locationRestriction?: null | LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral

Bounds to constrain search results. If not specified, results will be constrained to the map viewport.

map?: null | Map

An already instantiated google.maps.Map instance. If passed in, the map will be moved into the LocalContextMapView's DOM, and will not be re-styled. The element associated with the Map may also have styles and classes applied to it by the LocalContextMapView.

maxPlaceCount: number

The maximum number of places to show. When this parameter is 0, the Local Context Library does not load places. [0,24]

pinOptionsSetup?: null | PinOptions | ((a: { isHighlighted: boolean; isSelected: boolean }) => undefined | null | PinOptions)

Configure the place marker icon based on the icon state. Invoked whenever the input to the callback changes. Pass a function to dynamically override the default setup when the LocalContextMapView draws the place marker. Errors and invalid configurations may be determined asynchronously, and will be ignored (defaults will be used, and errors will be logged to the console).

placeChooserViewSetup?: null | PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions | ((a: { defaultLayoutMode: PlaceChooserLayoutMode; defaultPosition: null | PlaceChooserPosition }) => undefined | null | PlaceChooserViewSetupOptions)

Overrides the setup of the place chooser view. Pass a function to dynamically override the default setup when the LocalContextMapView might change its layout due to resizing. Errors and invalid configurations may be determined asynchronously, and will be ignored (defaults will be used instead, and errors will be logged to the console). Errors detected at construction will cause errors to be thrown synchronously.

placeDetailsViewSetup?: null | PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions | ((a: { defaultLayoutMode: PlaceDetailsLayoutMode; defaultPosition: null | PlaceDetailsPosition }) => undefined | null | PlaceDetailsViewSetupOptions)

Overrides the setup of the place details view. Pass a function to dynamically override the default setup when the LocalContextMapView might change its layout due to resizing. Errors and invalid configurations may be determined asynchronously, and will be ignored (defaults will be used, and errors will be logged to the console). Errors detected at construction will cause errors to be thrown synchronously.

placeTypePreferences: PlaceTypePreference[]

The types of places to search for (up to 10). The type Iterable<string|PlaceTypePreference> is also accepted, but is only supported in browsers which natively support JavaScript Symbols.

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