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Represents the characteristics of a RaphaelFont.


  • RaphaelFontFace



ascent: string | number

The ascent property of this font, such as 270.

The ascent is the recommended distance above the baseline for singled spaced text.

bbox: string

The axis aligned bounding box of all glyphs, such as -11 -274 322 94 (top left corner and width and height).

descent: string | number

The descent property of this font, such as -90.

The ascent is the recommended distance below the baseline for singled spaced text

font-family: string

The font family property of this font.

font-stretch: string

The font stretch property of this font, such as normal.

font-style: string

The font style property of this font.

font-weight: string | number

The weight of this font, such as 200.

panose-1: string

The panose-1 classification of this font.

Panose-1 is a system for describing characteristics of Latin fonts that is based on calculable quantities: dimensions, angles, shapes, etc. It is based on a set of 10 numbers, which take values between 0 and 15. A font thus becomes a vector in a 10-dimensional space, and one can calculate the distance between two fonts as a Cartesian distance.

underline-position: string | number

When an underline is drawn below a glyph, the vertical offset of that underline. Usually negative, such as 36.

underline-thickness: string | number

The thickness of the underline, when a glyph is underlined, such as 18.

unicode-range: string

The range of characters this font contains, such as U+0020-U+00F3.

units-per-em: string | number

The units-per-em property of this font.

The units-per-em attribute specifies the number of coordinate units on the "em square", an abstract square whose height is the intended distance between lines of type in the same type size.

x-height: string | number

The x-height property of this font.

The x-height, or corpus size, is the distance between the baseline and the mean line of lower-case letters.

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