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The class constructor function is the exported object from the file


Type Aliases

AutoNumericEventSuccessOrError<T>: export=.AutoNumericEventFormattedData & { error: null } | { [ K in keyof T]: null } & { error: string }

A custom event details object with either the given properties and error set to null, or all properties null and a string error message.

Type Parameters

  • T

    Properties available when there is no error.

CallbackOptions: { [ K in keyof export=.Options]: export=.ValueOrCallback<Required<export=.Options>[K]> }

Similar to Options, but each property can be either the value itself, or a function that returns the value.

CaretPositionOption: "start" | "end" | "decimalLeft" | "decimalRight" | "doNoForceCaretPosition"
CurrencySymbolPlacementOption: "p" | "s"
DigitalGroupSpacingOption: "2" | "2t" | "2s" | "3" | "4"
EmptyInputBehaviorOption: "null" | "focus" | "press" | "always" | "min" | "max" | "zero" | number | string
GetValueCallback<T>: ((value: T, instance: export=) => void)

Type Parameters

  • T

    Type of the value returned by the get method.

Type declaration

    • (value: T, instance: export=): void
    • Callback that can optionally be passed to the various get* methods. Receives the value as well as the current AutoNumeric instance.


      Returns void

LeadingZeroOption: "allow" | "deny" | "keep"
NegativeBracketsTypeOnBlurOption: "(,)" | "[,]" | "<,>" | "{,}" | "〈,〉" | "「,」" | "⸤,⸥" | "⟦,⟧" | "‹,›" | "«,»"
NegativePositiveSignPlacementOption: "p" | "s" | "l" | "r" | null
OnInvalidPasteOption: "error" | "ignore" | "clamp" | "truncate" | "replace"
OptionsHandler: { [ K in keyof export=.Options]-?: ((value: Required<export=.Options[K]>) => export=) } & { reset: any }
OutputFormatOption: "string" | "number" | "." | "-." | "," | "-," | ".-" | ",-" | null
OverrideMinMaxLimitsOption: "ceiling" | "floor" | "ignore" | "invalid" | null
RoundingMethodOption: "S" | "A" | "s" | "a" | "B" | "U" | "D" | "C" | "F" | "N05" | "CHF" | "U05" | "D05"
SerializeSpacesOption: "+" | "%20"
ValueOrCallback<T>: T | ((instance: export=, key: string) => T)

Type Parameters

  • T

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