Info | Value |
Component Type | org.primefaces.component.SelectOneMenu |
Handler Class | None |
Renderer Type | org.primefaces.component.SelectOneMenuRenderer |
Description | None |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
alwaysDisplayLabel | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to boolean )
| Always display the 'label' value instead of the selected item label. Default is false. |
appendTo | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Appends the overlay to the element defined by search expression. Defaults to document body. |
autoWidth | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Calculates a fixed width based on the width of the maximum option label. Possible values: auto, true, false. |
binding | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.component.UIComponent )
| An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean. |
caseSensitive | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Defines if filtering would be case sensitive. Default is false. |
converter | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.convert.Converter )
| An el expression or a literal text that defines a converter for the component. When it's an EL expression, it's resolved to a converter instance. In case it's a static text, it must refer to a converter id. |
converterMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when conversion fails. |
dir | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Defines text direction, valid values are "ltr" (default) and "rtl". |
disabled | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to boolean )
| Flag indicating whether the component should be disabled. |
dynamic | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Defines if dynamic loading is enabled for the element's panel. If the value is "true", the overlay is not rendered on page load to improve performance. Default is false. |
editable | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| When true, allows the user to edit the dropdown value by typing directly into the input field. |
filter | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Displays an input filter for the list. |
filterFunction | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side function to use in custom filterMatchMode. |
filterMatchMode | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Match mode for filtering, valid values are startsWith (default), contains, endsWith and custom. |
filterNormalize | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Defines if filtering would be done using normalized values (accents will be removed from characters). Default is false. |
filterPlaceholder | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Watermark displayed in the filter input field before the user enters a value. |
height | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Defines the height of the scrollable area. |
hideNoSelectionOption | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to boolean )
| Flag indicating that, if this component is activated by the user, The "no selection option", if any, must be hidden. |
id | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Unique identifier of the component in a namingContainer. |
immediate | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| When set true, process validations logic is executed at apply request values phase for this component. Default is false. |
inputmode | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| HTML5 inputmode attribute for hinting at the type of data this control has for touch devices to display appropriate virtual keyboard. |
label | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| User presentable name used in conjuction with 'alwaysDisplayLabel' to display instead of selected item. |
labelTemplate | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Displays label of the element in a custom template. Valid placeholder is {0}. |
maxlength | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer )
| Maximum number of characters that may be entered in this field. |
onblur | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side callback to execute when element loses focus. |
onchange | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side callback to execute when the value changes. |
onfocus | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side callback to execute when element receives focus. |
onkeydown | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side callback to execute when a key is pressed down. |
onkeyup | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Client side callback to execute when a key is released. |
panelStyle | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Inline style of the dropdown panel container element. |
panelStyleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Style class of the dropdown panel container element. |
placeholder | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Watermark displayed in the input field before the user enters a value in an HTML5 browser. |
readonly | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to boolean )
| Flag indicating that this input element will prevent changes by the user. |
rendered | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered. |
required | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Marks component as required. |
requiredMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when required field validation fails. |
style | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Inline style of the component. |
styleClass | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Style class of the component. |
syncTooltip | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Updates the title of the component with the description of the selected item. |
tabindex | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Position of the element in the tabbing order. |
title | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Advisory tooltip information. |
touchable | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean )
| Enable touch support if browser detection supports it. Default is false because it is globally enabled by default. |
validator | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.validator.Validator )
| A method expression referring to a method validating the input. |
validatorMessage | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Message to display when validation fails. |
value | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object )
| Value of the component. |
valueChangeListener | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to javax.faces.event.ValueChangeListener )
| A method binding expression referring to a method for handling a valuchangeevent. |
var | false | java.lang.String | Name of the iterator variable that references each element in the data set. |
widgetVar | false | jakarta.el.ValueExpression
(must evaluate to java.lang.String )
| Name of the client side widget. |
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