
Tag Library Information 
ID (tag prefix)p
Tag Summary 
accordionPanel AccordionPanel is a container component that displays content in stacked format.
ajaxAjaxBehavior is an extension to standard f:ajax.
ajaxExceptionHandler AjaxExceptionHandler is a utility component for the built-in ExceptionHandler.
ajaxStatus AjaxStatus is a global notifier for AJAX requests made by PrimeFaces components.
audio Audio component is used for embedding audio content such as MP3, OGG, WAV to Faces views.
autoComplete AutoComplete provides live suggestions while an input is being typed.
autoUpdateAutoUpdate is a TagHandler to mark the parent component to be updated at every AJAX request. AutoUpdate is ignored if the trigger (p:commandButton, p:ajax...) of AJAX request has the attribute ignoreAutoUpdate set to 'true'.
avatar Avatar represents people using icons, labels and images.
avatarGroup A set of Avatars can be displayed together using this component.
badge Badge is a small status indicator for another element.
barcode Barcode component is used to display various barcode formats.
blockUI BlockUI blocks Faces components during AJAX processing.
breadCrumb Breadcrumb is a navigation component that provides contextual information about page hierarchy in the workflow.
button Button is an extension to the standard h:button component with skinning capabilities.
cache Cache component is used to reduce page load time by caching the content after initial rendering.
calendar Calendar is an input component used to provide a date. Other than basic features calendar supports paging, localization, AJAX selection and more.
captcha Captcha is a form validation component based on Recaptcha/hCaptcha API.
card Card is a flexible container component.
carousel Carousel is a multi purpose component to display a set of data or general content with slide effects.
cascadeSelect CascadeSelect displays a nested structure of options.
cellEditor CellEditor is a helper component of datatable used for incell editing.
chart Chart.js component using raw JSON or XDev model.
checkbox Checkbox is a helper component of SelectManyCheckbox to implement custom layouts.
chip Chip represents entities using icons, labels and images.
chips Chips is used to enter multiple values on an inputfield.
chronoline Chronoline visualizes a series of chained events.
clientValidatorClientValidator is a behavior element used in Client Side Validation to do instant validation in case you do not want to wait for the users to fill in the form and hit commandButton/commandLink.
clock Clock displays server or client datetime live.
colorPicker ColorPicker is an input component with a color palette.
column Column is an extended version of the standard column used by various PrimeFaces components like datatable, treetable and more.
columnGroup ColumnGroup is used by datatable for grouping.
columns Columns is used by datatable to create columns dynamically.
columnToggler ColumnToggler is a helper component for datatable to toggle visibility of columns.
commandButton CommandButton is an extended version of standard Faces commandButton with ajax and skinning features.
commandLink CommandLink extends standard Faces commandLink with extra PrimeFaces capabilities.
confirmConfirm is a behavior element used to integrate with global confirm dialog.
confirmDialog ConfirmDialog is a replacement to the legacy javascript confirmation box. Skinning, customization and avoiding popup blockers are notabled advantages over classic javascript confirmation.
confirmPopup ConfirmPopup displays a confirmation overlay displayed relatively to its target.
contextMenu ContextMenu provides an overlay menu displayed on mouse right-click event.
dashboard Dashboard provides a portal like layout with drag-drop based reorder capabilities.
dataExporterDataExporter is handy for exporting data listed using a PrimeFaces Datatable to various formats such as excel, pdf, csv and xml.
dataGrid DataGrid displays a collection of data in grid layout. AJAX Pagination is a built-in feature and paginator UI is fully customizable via various options like paginatorTemplate, rowPerPageOptions, pageLinks and more.
dataList DataList presents a collection of data in list layout with several display types. AJAX Pagination is a built-in feature and paginator UI is fully customizable via various options like paginatorTemplate, rowsPerPageOptions, pageLinks and more.
dataScroller DataScroller displays a collection of data featuring on demand loading using scroll.
dataTable DataTable is an enhanced version of the standard Datatable that provides built-in solutions to many commons use cases like paging, sorting, selection, lazy loading, filtering and more.
dataView DataView displays data in grid or list layout.
dataViewGridItem dataViewGridItem is a helper component for DataView to add grid items.
dataViewListItem dataViewListItem is a helper component for DataView to add list items.
datePicker DatePicker is an input component to select a date.
defaultCommand DefaultCommand defines the default command component to invoke when enter key is pressed in a form.
diagram Diagram is a component to create visual elements and connect them on a web page.
dialog Dialog is a panel component overlaying other elements. Dialog avoids popup blockers, provides customization, resizing, modality, ajax interactions and more.
divider Divider is used to separate contents.
dock Dock component mimics the well known dock interface of Mac OS X.
draggable Draggable allows any component to be enhanced with draggable behavior.
droppable Droppable allows any component to be enhanced with droppable behavior.
effect Effect component is based on the jQuery UI effects library.
feedReader FeedReader retrieves and displays content from an RSS, Atom, or Itunes Podcast feed.
fieldset Fieldset is a grouping component with a title and content.
fileDownloadTraditionally, dynamic binary data was presented to the client by writing a servlet or filter to stream the data. FileDownload simplifies this process.
fileUpload FileUpload goes beyond the browser input type="file" functionality and features a javascript solution for uploading files. File filtering, multiple uploads, partial page rendering and progress tracking are the significant features compared to legacy fileUploads.
focus Focus is a handy component that makes it easy to manage the element focus on a Faces page.
fragment Fragment component is used to define automatically partially processed and updated sections.
galleria Galleria is a content gallery component.
gmap GMap component is built on Google Maps API Version 3. Gmap is highly integrated with Faces development model and enhanced with AJAX capabilities.
gmapInfoWindow GMapInfoWindow is used with GMap component to open a window on map when an overlay is selected.
graphicImage GraphicImage extends standard Faces graphic image component with the ability of displaying binary data like an inputstream. Main use cases of GraphicImage is to make displaying images stored in database or on-the-fly images easier. Legacy way to do this is to come up with a Servlet that does the streaming, GraphicImage does all the hard work without the need of a Servlet.
growl Growl is based on the Mac's growl notification widget and used to display FacesMessages similar to h:messages.
headerRow HeaderRow is a helper component for row grouping.
hotkey HotKey is a generic key binding component that can bind any formation of keys to javascript event handlers or ajax calls.
idleMonitor IdleMonitor watches user actions on a page and notify several callbacks in case they go idle or active again.
imageCompare ImageCompare provides a rich user interface to compare two images.
imageCropper ImageCropper allows cropping a certain region of an image. A new image is created containing the cropped area and assigned to a CroppedImage instanced on the server side.
imageSwitch Imageswitch component is used to enable switching between a set of images with nice effects. ImageSwitch also provides a simple client side api for flexibility.
importConstants Utility tag to import constants.
importEnum Utility tag to import enums.
inplace Inplace provides easy inplace editing and inline content display. Inplace consists of two members, display element is the inital clickable label and inline element is the hidden content that'll be displayed when display element is toggled.
inputMask InputMask forces an input to fit in a defined mask template.
inputNumber InputNumber is an extension to the InputText with optimized handling for numbers.
inputText InputText is an extension to standard inputText with skinning capabilities.
inputTextarea InputTextarea is an extension to standard inputTextara with skinning capabilities and auto growing.
keyboard Keyboard is an input component that uses a virtual keyboard to provide the input. Notable features are the customizable layouts and skinning capabilities.
keyFilter KeyFilter filters keyboard input for a given input field.
knob Knob is an input component to insert numeric values in a range.
lifecycle Lifecycle is a utility component which displays the execution time of each Faces phase. It also synchronizes automatically after each AJAX request.
link Link is an extension to the standard h:link component with skinning capabilities.
linkButton Link is an extension to the standard h:link component with skinning as a button.
log Log component is a visual console to display logs of PrimeFaces. Using log client side API, you can also use the component.
media Media component is used for embedding multimedia content such as videos and music to Faces views. Media renders object or embed html tags depending on the user client.
megaMenu MegaMenu is a navigation component that displays submenus together.
menu Menu is a navigation component with various customized modes like multi tiers, ipod style sliding and overlays.
menubar Menubar is a horizontal navigation component.
menuButton MenuButton displays different commands in a popup menu.
menuitem Menuitem is used by various menu components of PrimeFaces.
message Message is a pre-skinned extended version of the standard Faces message component with extensions.
messages Messages is a pre-skinned extended version of the standard Faces messages component with extensions.
mindmap MindMap is an interactive mindmapping component.
multiSelectListbox MultiSelectListbox is used to select an item from a collection of listboxes that are in parent-child relationship.
notificationBar NotificationBar displayes a multipurpose fixed positioned panel for notification. Any group of Faces content can be placed inside notificationbar.
orderList OrderList is used to sort a collection.
organigram Organigram is a data component to display an organizational hierarchy.
organigramNode Organigram requires an instance of OrganigramNode interface as its value to define the root, a default implementation DefaultOrganigramNode is provided. Each node has a type where each node at the backend needs to match the p:organigramNode helper component.
outputLabel OutputLabel is an extension to the standard outputLabel.
outputPanel OutputPanel is a panel component with the ability to deferred loading, which is also the key feature of this component.
overlayPanel OverlayPanel is a generic container component that is displayed as a popup.
panel Panel is a grouping component for other components, notable features are toggling, closing, built-in popup menu and ajax event listeners.
panelGrid PanelGrid is an extension to the standard Faces PanelGrid with responsive CSS and skinning.
panelMenu PanelMenu is a hybrid of accordion-tree components used for navigations and actions.
password Password component is an extended version of standard inputSecret component with theme integration and strength indicator.
photoCam PhotoCam is used to take photos with webcam and send them to the Faces backend model.
pickList PickList is used for transferring data between two different collections.
poll Poll is an AJAX component that has the ability to send periodical AJAX requests and execute listeners on Faces backing beans.
printerPrinter allows sending a specific Faces component to the printer, not the whole page.
progressBar ProgressBar is a process status indicator that can either work purely on client side or interact with server side using ajax.
radioButton RadioButton is a helper component of SelectOneRadio to implement custom layouts.
rating Rating component features a star based rating system. Rating can be used as a plain input component or with ajax RateListeners.
remoteCommand RemoteCommand provides a way to execute Faces backing bean methods directly from javascript.
resetInputInput components keep their local values at state when validation fails. ResetInput is used to clear the cached values from state so that components retrieve their values from the backing bean model instead.
resizable Resizable component that has the ability to make a Faces component resizable. Resizable can be used on various components like resize an input fields, panels, menus, images and more.
row Row is a helper component for datatable.
rowEditor RowEditor is a helper component for datatable.
rowExpansion RowExpansion is a helper component of datatable used to implement expandable rows.
rowToggler RowToggler is a helper component for datatable.
schedule Schedule provides an Outlook Calendar, iCal like Faces component to manage events. Schedule is highly customizable featuring various views (month, day, week), built-in I18N, drag-drop, resize, customizable event dialog and skinning.
scrollPanel ScrollPanel is used to display scrollable content with theme aware scrollbars instead of native browser scrollbars.
scrollTop ScrollTop gets displayed after a certain scroll position and used to navigates to the top of the page quickly.
selectBooleanButton SelectBooleanButton is used to select a binary decision with a toggle button.
selectBooleanCheckbox SelectBooleanCheckbox is an extended version of the standard checkbox with theme integration.
selectCheckboxMenu SelectCheckboxMenu is a multi select component that displays options in an overlay.
selectManyButton SelectManyButton is a multi select component using button user interface.
selectManyCheckbox SelectManyCheckbox is an extended version of the standard Faces SelectManyCheckbox.
selectManyMenu SelectManyMenu is an extended version of the standard Faces SelectManyMenu.
selectOneButton SelectOneButton is an input component to do a single select.
selectOneListbox SelectOneListbox is an extended version of the standard Faces selectOneListbox component.
selectOneMenu SelectOneMenu is an extended version of the standard Faces SelectOneMenu.
selectOneRadio SelectOneRadio is an extended version of the standard SelectOneRadio.
separator Seperator displays a horizontal line to separate content.
sidebar Sidebar is a panel component displayed as an overlay.
signature Signature is an input component to provide a signature.
skeleton Skeleton is a placeholder to display instead of the actual content.
slideMenu SlideMenu displays submenus with a slide animation.
slider Slider is used to provide input with various customization options like orientation, display modes and skinning.
spacer Spacer is used to put spaces between elements.
speedDial SpeedDial is a floating action button with a popup menu that can display multiple primary actions that can be performed on a page.
spinner Spinner is an input component to provide a numerical input via increment and decrement buttons.
splitButton SplitButton displays a default command and additional ones in an overlay.
splitter Splitter is utilized to separate and resize panels.
splitterPanel SplitterPanel is utilized by the Splitter component to separate content.
spotlight Spotlight highlights a certain component on page.
stack Stack is a navigation component that mimics the stacks feature in Mac OS X.
staticMessage Display a message without the use of a FacesMessage.
steps Steps is a menu component that displays steps of a workflow.
sticky Sticky component positions other components as fixed so that these components stay in window viewport during scrolling.
submenu Submenu is nested in menu components and represents a sub menu items.
subTable SubTable is a helper component of datatable used for grouping.
summaryRow SummaryRow is a helper component for data grouping.
tab Tab is a generic container component used by other PrimeFaces components such as tabView or accordionPanel.
tabMenu TabMenu is a menu component that displays menuitems as tabs.
tabView TabView is a tabbed panel component featuring client side tabs, dynamic content loading with ajax and content transition effects.
tag Tag component is used to categorize content.
tagCloud TagCloud displays a collection of tag with different strengths.
terminal Terminal is an ajax powered component bringing desktop command-line tools to the web.
textEditor Editor is an input component with rich text editing capabilities.
tieredMenu TieredMenu displays submenus in overlays.
timeline Timeline is an interactive visualization chart to visualize events in time.
toggleSwitch ToggleSwitch is used to select a boolean value.
toolbar Toolbar is a horizontal grouping component for commands and other content.
toolbarGroup ToolbarbarGroup is a helper component for Toolbar component to define placeholders.
tooltip Tooltip goes beyond the legacy html title attribute by providing custom effects, events, html content and advance theme support.
tree Tree is is used for displaying hierarchical data and creating site navigations.
treeNode TreeNode is used with Tree component to represent a node in tree.
treeTable TreeTable is is used for displaying hierarchical data in tabular format.
triStateCheckbox Checkbox with 3 states: true, false, and unselected.
validateFile `p:validateFile` is a validator which can be used to validate single and mulitple files, either of `p:fileUpload` or `h:inputFile`.
video Video component is used for embedding video content such as MP4, OGG, WEBM to Faces views.
wizard Wizard provides an enhanced UI to implement a workflow easily in a single page. Wizard consists of several child tab components where each tab represents a step in the process.
Function Summary 
java.lang.StringclosestWidgetVar(javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.ObjectdynamicColumnValue(javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.StringdynamicColumnValueAsString(javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.StringescapeJavaScriptVarName(java.lang.String)No Description
booleanifAllGranted(java.lang.Object)No Description
booleanifAnyGranted(java.lang.Object)No Description
booleanifGranted(java.lang.String)No Description
booleanifNoneGranted(java.lang.Object)No Description
java.lang.Stringlanguage()No Description
java.lang.StringremoteUser()No Description
java.lang.StringresolveClientId(java.lang.String, javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.StringresolveClientIds(java.lang.String, javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
javax.faces.component.UIComponentresolveComponent(java.lang.String, javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
javax.faces.component.UIComponentresolveFirstComponentWithId(java.lang.String,javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.StringresolveWidgetVar(java.lang.String, javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.lang.BooleanshouldRenderFacet(javax.faces.component.UIComponent)No Description
java.security.PrincipaluserPrincipal()No Description

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