
Tag timeline

Component Information 
Component Typeorg.primefaces.component.Timeline
Handler ClassNone
Renderer Typeorg.primefaces.component.TimelineRenderer
(must evaluate to javax.faces.component.UIComponent)
An el expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
When a Timeline is configured to be clickToUse, it will react to mouse and touch events only when active. When active, a blue shadow border is displayed around the Timeline. The Timeline is set active by clicking on it, and is changed to inactive again by clicking outside the Timeline or by pressing the ESC key. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Time zone the user would like to see dates in UI. The attribute can be either a String or TimeZone object or null. If null, clientTimeZone defaults to browser's time zone.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Defines direction of timeline. Valid values are "ltr" (default) and "rtl".
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Selector to define the accepted draggables. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Style class to apply when an acceptable draggable is being dragged over. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Style class to apply when an acceptable draggable is dragged over. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Scope key to match draggables and droppables. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, the items in the timeline can be manipulated. Only applicable when option selectable is true. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, new items can be created by double tapping an empty space in the Timeline. Takes precedence over editable. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, items can be dragged from one group to another. Only applicable when the Timeline has groups. Takes precedence over editable. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, TimelineEvent specific editables properties are overridden by timeline settings. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, items can be deleted by first selecting them, and then clicking the delete button on the top right of the item. Takes precedence over editable. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, items can be dragged to another moment in time. Takes precedence over editable. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.time.LocalDateTime)
The initial end date for the axis of the timeline. If not provided, the latest date present in the events is taken as end date. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
The minimal horizontal margin in pixels between items. Takes precedence over eventMargin property. Default is 10.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
The minimal margin in pixels between events. Default is 10.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
The minimal margin in pixels between events and the horizontal axis. Default is 10.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Specifies the default type for the timeline items. Choose from 'box', 'point' and 'range'. If undefined, the Timeline will auto detect the type from the items data: if a start and end date is available, a 'range' will be created, and else, a 'box' is created. Default null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
The minimal vertical margin in pixels between items. Takes precedence over eventMargin property. Default is 10.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Name of javascript function to extend the options of the underlying timeline javascript component.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Allows to customize the way groups are ordered. When true (default), groups will be ordered by content alphabetically (when the list of groups is missing) or by native ordering of TimelineGroup object in the list of groups (when the list of groups is available). When false, groups will not be ordered at all.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
A css text string to apply custom styling for an individual group label, for example "color: red; background-color: pink;".
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
The height of the timeline in pixels or as a percentage. When height is undefined or null, the height of the timeline is automatically adjusted to fit the contents. It is possible to set a maximum height using option maxHeight to prevent the timeline from getting too high in case of automatically calculated height.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Specifies the horizontal scrollable.Default is "false".
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Unique identifier of the component in a namingContainer.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
User locale for i18n localization messages. The attribute can be either a String or java.util.Locale object. Default to view Locale.
(must evaluate to java.time.LocalDateTime)
Set a maximum Date for the visible range. It will not be possible to move beyond this maximum. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
Specifies the maximum height for the Timeline in pixels.
(must evaluate to java.time.LocalDateTime)
Set a minimum Date for the visible range. It will not be possible to move beyond this minimum. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
Specifies a minimum height for the Timeline in pixels.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, the timeline is movable. When the timeline is moved, AJAX "rangechange" events are fired. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Orientation of the timeline axis: 'top', 'bottom' (default), 'both', or 'none'. If orientation is 'bottom', the time axis is drawn at the bottom. When 'top', the axis is drawn on top. When 'both', two axes are drawn, both on top and at the bottom. In case of 'none', no axis is drawn at all.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Orientation of the timeline items: 'top' or 'bottom' (default). Determines whether items are aligned to the top or bottom of the Timeline.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Float)
Preload factor is a positive float value or 0 which can be used for lazy loading of events. When the lazy loading feature is active, the calculated time range for preloading will be multiplicated by the preload factor. The result of this multiplication specifies the additional time range which will be considered for the preloading during moving / zooming too. For example, if the calculated time range for preloading is 5 days and the preload factor is 0.2, the result is 5 * 0.2 = 1 day. That means, 1 day backwards and / or 1 day onwards will be added to the original calculated time range. The event's area to be preloaded is wider then. This helps to avoid frequently, time-consuming fetching of events. Default value is 0.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false component will not be rendered.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Check if the timeline container is resized, and if so, resize the timeline. Useful when the webpage (browser window) or a layout pane / unit containing the timeline component is resized. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, events on the timeline are selectable. Selectable events can fire AJAX "select" events. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, the timeline shows a red, vertical line displaying the current time. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
By default, the timeline shows both minor and major date labels on the horizontal axis. For example the minor labels show minutes and the major labels show hours. When "showMajorLabels" is false, no major labels are shown. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
By default, the timeline shows both minor and major date labels on the horizontal axis. For example the minor labels show minutes and the major labels show hours. When "showMinorLabels" is false, no minor labels are shown. When both "showMajorLabels" and "showMinorLabels" are false, no horizontal axis will be visible. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
By default, the timeline shows nested groups without collapsed. When "showNested" is false, all nested groups shown as collapsed. If "showNested" is set different in TimelineGroup model, it will override this. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, items with titles will display a tooltip. If false, item tooltips are prevented from showing. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
When moving items on the Timeline, they will be snapped to nice dates like full hours or days, depending on the current scale. The snap function can be replaced with a custom javascript function, or can be set to null to disable snapping. The signature of the snap function is: function snap(date: Date, scale: string, step: number) : Date or number The parameter scale can be can be 'millisecond', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'weekday, 'week', 'day, 'month, or 'year'. The parameter step is a number like 1, 2, 4, 5.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, the events are stacked above each other to prevent overlapping events. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.time.LocalDateTime)
The initial start date for the axis of the timeline. If not provided, the earliest date present in the events is taken as start date. Default is null.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Inline style of the container element.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Style class of the container element.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Deprecated, use editableTime property instead. If false, items can not be moved or dragged horizontally (neither start time nor end time is changable). This is useful when items should be editable but can only be changed regarding group or content (typical use case: scheduling events). Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Object)
Target time zone to convert start / end dates of TimelineEvent's in server side. The attribute can be either a String or TimeZone object or null. If null, timeZone defaults to the server's time zone the application is running in.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Integer)
Set a value (in ms) that the tooltip is delayed before showing. Default is 500.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, tooltips will follow the mouse as they move around in the item. Default is false.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Set how the tooltip should act if it is about to overflow out of the timeline. Choose from 'cap', 'flip' and 'none'. If it is set to 'cap', the tooltip will just cap its position to inside to timeline. If set to 'flip', the position of the tooltip will flip around the cursor so that a corner is at the cursor, and the rest of it is visible. If set to 'none', the tooltip will be positioned independently of the timeline, so parts of the tooltip could possibly be hidden or stick ouf of the timeline, depending how CSS overflow is defined for the timeline (by default it's hidden). Default is 'flip'.
(must evaluate to org.primefaces.model.timeline.TimelineModel)
An instance of TimelineModel representing the backing model.
varfalsejava.lang.String Name of the request-scoped variable for underlaying object in the TimelineEvent for each iteration.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Name of the request-scoped variable for underlaying object in the TimelineGroup for each iteration.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
Specifies the vertical scrollable.Default is "false".
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Name of the client side widget.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
The width of the timeline in pixels or as a percentage. Default is "100%".
(must evaluate to java.lang.Boolean)
If true, the timeline is zoomable. When the timeline is zoomed, AJAX "rangechange" events are fired. Default is true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.String)
Specifies whether the Timeline is only zoomed when an additional key is down. Available values are '' (does not apply), 'altKey', 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey' or 'metaKey'. Only applicable when option moveable is set true.
(must evaluate to java.lang.Long)
Set a maximum zoom interval for the visible range in milliseconds. It will not be possible to zoom out further than this maximum. Default value equals 315360000000000 ms (about 10000 years).
(must evaluate to java.lang.Long)
Set a minimum zoom interval for the visible range in milliseconds. It will not be possible to zoom in further than this minimum. Default is 10.

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