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Trip location provider.

Access by calling const {FleetEngineTripLocationProvider} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing"). See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries.





isPolling: boolean

True if this location provider is polling. Read only.

pollingIntervalMillis: number

Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, the next location update is not started until the current one finishes.

Setting this value to 0, Infinity, or a negative value disables automatic location updates. A new location update is fetched once if the tracking ID parameter (for example, the shipment tracking ID of the shipment location provider), or a filtering option (for example, viewport bounds or attribute filters for fleet location providers) changes.

The default, and minimum, polling interval is 5000 milliseconds. If you set the polling interval to a lower positive value, 5000 is stored and used.

tripId: string

The ID for the trip that this location provider observes. Set this field to begin tracking.


  • refresh(): void
  • Explicitly refreshes the tracked location.

    Returns void

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