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Options for trip location provider.


  • FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions



activePolylineCustomization?: null | PolylineOptions | ((a: TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the active polyline. An active polyline corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle is currently traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.PolylineOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this polyline have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

destinationMarkerCustomization?: null | MarkerOptions | ((a: TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the destination marker.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.MarkerOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

originMarkerCustomization?: null | MarkerOptions | ((a: TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the origin marker.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.MarkerOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

pollingIntervalMillis: null | number

Minimum time between fetching location updates in milliseconds. If it takes longer than pollingIntervalMillis to fetch a location update, the next location update is not started until the current one finishes.

Setting this value to 0 disables recurring location updates. A new location update is fetched if any of the parameters observed by the location provider changes.

The default polling interval is 5000 milliseconds, the minimum interval. If you set the polling interval to a lower non-zero value, 5000 is used.

projectId: string

The consumer's project ID from Google Cloud Console.

remainingPolylineCustomization?: null | PolylineOptions | ((a: TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the remaining polyline. A remaining polyline corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has not yet started traversing through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.PolylineOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this polyline have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

takenPolylineCustomization?: null | PolylineOptions | ((a: TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the taken polyline. A taken polyline corresponds to a portion of the route the vehicle has already traversed through.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as polyline color) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.PolylineOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the polyline after the polyline has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the polyline is created. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the polyline's coordinates change, or when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this polyline have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripPolylineCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

tripId: null | string

The trip ID to track immediately after the location provider is instantiated. If not specified, the location provider does not start tracking any trip; use google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProvider.tripId to set the ID and begin tracking.

vehicleMarkerCustomization?: null | MarkerOptions | ((a: TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to the vehicle marker.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.MarkerOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.

waypointMarkerCustomization?: null | MarkerOptions | ((a: TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams) => void)

Customization applied to a waypoint marker.

Use this field to specify custom styling (such as marker icon) and interactivity (such as click handling).

  • If a google.maps.MarkerOptions object is specified, the changes specified in it are applied to the marker after the marker has been created, overwriting its default options if they exist.
  • If a function is specified, it is invoked once when the marker is created, before it is added to the map view. (On this invocation, the isNew parameter in the function parameters object is set to true.) Additionally, this function is invoked when the location provider receives data from Fleet Engine, regardless of whether the data corresponding to this marker have changed.

    See google.maps.journeySharing.TripWaypointMarkerCustomizationFunctionParams for a list of supplied parameters and their uses.


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