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Parameters specific to marker customization functions that apply options to markers representing trip waypoint locations. Used by google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineTripLocationProviderOptions.waypointMarkerCustomization.




defaultOptions: MarkerOptions

The default options used to create this marker.

isNew: boolean

If true, the marker was newly created, and the marker customization function is being called for the first time, before the marker has been added to the map view. False otherwise.

marker: Marker

The marker. Any customizations should be made to this object directly.

trip: Trip

The trip associated with this marker.

For information about the vehicle servicing this trip, use google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.latestVehicleLocationUpdate and google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.remainingWaypoints.

waypointIndex: number

The 0-based waypoint index associated with this marker. Use this index on google.maps.journeySharing.Trip.remainingWaypoints to retrieve information about the waypoint.

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