  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Access by calling const {Place} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places"). See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/libraries.


  • Place




accessibilityOptions?: null | AccessibilityOptions

Accessibility options of this Place. undefined if the accessibility options data have not been called for from the server.

addressComponents?: AddressComponent[]

The collection of address components for this Place’s location. Empty object if there is no known address data. undefined if the address data has not been called for from the server.

adrFormatAddress?: null | string

The representation of the Place’s address in the adr microformat.

allowsDogs?: null | boolean
attributions?: Attribution[]

Attribution text to be displayed for this Place result.

businessStatus?: null | BusinessStatus

The location's operational status. null if there is no known status. undefined if the status data has not been loaded from the server.

displayName?: null | string

The location's display name. null if there is no name. undefined if the name data has not been loaded from the server.

editorialSummary?: null | string

The editorial summary for this place. null if there is no editorial summary. undefined if this field has not yet been requested.

editorialSummaryLanguageCode?: null | string

The language of the editorial summary for this place. null if there is no editorial summary. undefined if this field has not yet been requested.

formattedAddress?: null | string

The locations’s full address.

googleMapsURI?: null | string

URL of the official Google page for this place. This is the Google-owned page that contains the best available information about the Place.

hasCurbsidePickup?: null | boolean

Whether a place has curbside pickup. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

hasDelivery?: null | boolean

Whether a place has delivery. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

hasDineIn?: null | boolean

Whether a place has dine in. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

hasLiveMusic?: null | boolean
hasMenuForChildren?: null | boolean
hasOutdoorSeating?: null | boolean
hasRestroom?: null | boolean
hasTakeout?: null | boolean

Whether a place has takeout. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

hasWiFi?: null | boolean
iconBackgroundColor?: null | string

The default HEX color code for the place's category.

id: string

The unique place id.

internationalPhoneNumber?: null | string

The Place’s phone number in international format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign.

isGoodForChildren?: null | boolean
isGoodForGroups?: null | boolean
isGoodForWatchingSports?: null | boolean
isReservable?: null | boolean

Whether a place is reservable. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

location?: null | LatLng

The Place’s position.

nationalPhoneNumber?: null | string

The Place’s phone number, formatted according to the number's regional convention.

openingHours?: null | OpeningHours
parkingOptions?: null | ParkingOptions

Options of parking provided by the place. undefined if the parking options data have not been called for from the server.

paymentOptions?: null | PaymentOptions

Payment options provided by the place. undefined if the payment options data have not been called for from the server.

photos?: Photo[]

Photos of this Place. The collection will contain up to ten google.maps.places.Photo objects.

plusCode?: null | PlusCode
priceLevel?: null | PriceLevel

The price level of the Place. This property can return any of the following values

  • Free
  • Inexpensive
  • Moderate
  • Expensive
  • Very Expensive
rating?: null | number

A rating, between 1.0 to 5.0, based on user reviews of this Place.

regularOpeningHours?: null | OpeningHours
requestedLanguage?: null | string

The requested language for this place.

requestedRegion?: null | string

The requested region for this place.

reviews?: Review[]

A list of reviews for this Place.

servesBeer?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves beer. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesBreakfast?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves breakfast. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesBrunch?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves brunch. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesCocktails?: null | boolean
servesCoffee?: null | boolean
servesDessert?: null | boolean
servesDinner?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves dinner. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesLunch?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves lunch. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesVegetarianFood?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves vegetarian food. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

servesWine?: null | boolean

Whether a place serves wine. Returns 'true' or 'false' if the value is known. Returns 'null' if the value is unknown. Returns 'undefined' if this field has not yet been requested.

svgIconMaskURI?: null | string

URI to the svg image mask resource that can be used to represent a place’s category.

types?: string[]

An array of types for this Place (for example, ["political", "locality"] or ["restaurant", "establishment"]).

userRatingCount?: null | number

The number of user ratings which contributed to this Place’s google.maps.places.Place.rating.

utcOffsetMinutes?: null | number

The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, Austrialian Eastern Standard Time (GMT+10) in daylight savings is 11 hours ahead of UTC, so the utc_offset_minutes will be 660. For timezones behind UTC, the offset is negative. For example, the utc_offset_minutes is -60 for Cape Verde.

viewport?: null | LatLngBounds

The preferred viewport when displaying this Place on a map.

websiteURI?: null | string

The authoritative website for this Place, such as a business' homepage.


  • getNextOpeningTime(date?: Date): Promise<undefined | Date>
  • Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. Calculates the Date representing the next OpeningHoursTime. Returns undefined if the data is insufficient to calculate the result, or this place is not operational.


    Returns Promise<undefined | Date>

  • isOpen(date?: Date): Promise<undefined | boolean>
  • Available only in the v=beta channel: https://goo.gle/3oAthT3. Check if the place is open at the given datetime. Resolves with undefined if the known data for the location is insufficient to calculate this, e.g. if the opening hours are unregistered.


    • Optional date: Date

      Defaults to now.

    Returns Promise<undefined | boolean>

  • toJSON(): object
  • Returns object

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