Excluded primary place type. See the full
list of types supported. A place can only have a single primary type.
Up to 50 types may be specified. If you specify the same type in both
and excluded
lists, an
INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.
Fields to be included in the response, which
will be billed for. If ['*']
is passed in, all
available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended
for production deployments). For a list of fields see google.maps.places.PlaceResult. Nested fields can be specified with
dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"
Included primary place type. See the full
list of types supported. A place can only have a single primary type.
Up to 50 types may be specified. If you specify the same type in both
and excluded
lists, an
INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.
Included place type. See the full
list of types supported. A place can have many different place types.
Up to 50 types may be specified. If you specify the same type in both
and excluded
lists, an
INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned.
Place details will be displayed with the preferred language if available. Will default to the browser's language preference. Current list of supported languages: https://developers.google.com/maps/faq#languagesupport.
The region to search, specified as a circle with center and radius. Results outside given location are not returned.
Maximum number of results to return. It must be between 1 and 20, inclusively.
How results will be ranked in the response.
The Unicode country/region code (CLDR) of the location where the request is coming from. This parameter is used to display the place details, like region-specific place name, if available. The parameter can affect results based on applicable law. For more information, see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/territory_language_information.html. Note that 3-digit region codes are not currently supported.
Generated using TypeDoc
Request interface for google.maps.places.Place.searchNearby. For more information on the request, see Places API reference.