  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines information about a Place.


  • PlaceResult



address_components?: GeocoderAddressComponent[]

The collection of address components for this Place’s location. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

adr_address?: string

The representation of the Place’s address in the adr microformat. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

aspects?: PlaceAspectRating[]

The rated aspects of this Place, based on Google and Zagat user reviews. The ratings are on a scale of 0 to 30.

business_status?: BusinessStatus

A flag indicating the operational status of the Place, if it is a business (indicates whether the place is operational, or closed either temporarily or permanently). If no data is available, the flag is not present in search or details responses.

formatted_address?: string

The Place’s full address.

formatted_phone_number?: string

The Place’s phone number, formatted according to the number's regional convention. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

geometry?: PlaceGeometry

The Place’s geometry-related information.

html_attributions?: string[]

Attribution text to be displayed for this Place result. Available html_attributions are always returned regardless of what fields have been requested, and must be displayed.

icon?: string

URL to an image resource that can be used to represent this Place’s category.

icon_background_color?: string

Background color for use with a Place's icon. See also google.maps.places.PlaceResult.icon_mask_base_uri.

icon_mask_base_uri?: string

A truncated URL to an icon mask. Access different icon types by appending a file extension to the end (i.e. .svg or .png).

international_phone_number?: string

The Place’s phone number in international format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus (+) sign. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

name?: string

The Place’s name. Note: In the case of user entered Places, this is the raw text, as typed by the user. Please exercise caution when using this data, as malicious users may try to use it as a vector for code injection attacks (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_injection).

opening_hours?: PlaceOpeningHours

Defines when the Place opens or closes.

permanently_closed?: boolean

A flag indicating whether the Place is closed, either permanently or temporarily. If the place is operational, or if no data is available, the flag is absent from the response.


permanently_closed is deprecated as of May 2020 and will be turned off in May 2021. Use google.maps.places.PlaceResult.business_status instead as permanently_closed does not distinguish between temporary and permanent closures.

photos?: PlacePhoto[]

Photos of this Place. The collection will contain up to ten google.maps.places.PlacePhoto objects.

place_id?: string

A unique identifier for the Place.

plus_code?: PlacePlusCode

Defines Open Location Codes or "plus codes" for the Place.

price_level?: number

The price level of the Place, on a scale of 0 to 4. Price levels are interpreted as follows:

  • 0: Free
  • 1: Inexpensive
  • 2: Moderate
  • 3: Expensive
  • 4: Very Expensive
rating?: number

A rating, between 1.0 to 5.0, based on user reviews of this Place.

reviews?: PlaceReview[]

A list of reviews of this Place. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

types?: string[]

An array of types for this Place (for example, ["political", "locality"] or ["restaurant", "establishment"]).

url?: string

URL of the official Google page for this place. This is the Google-owned page that contains the best available information about the Place. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

user_ratings_total?: number

The number of user ratings which contributed to this Place’s google.maps.places.PlaceResult.rating.

utc_offset?: number

The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, Sydney, Australia in daylight savings is 11 hours ahead of UTC, so the utc_offset will be 660. For timezones behind UTC, the offset is negative. For example, the utc_offset is -60 for Cape Verde. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.


utc_offset is deprecated as of November 2019. Use google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes instead. See https://goo.gle/js-open-now

utc_offset_minutes?: number

The offset from UTC of the Place’s current timezone, in minutes. For example, Sydney, Australia in daylight savings is 11 hours ahead of UTC, so the utc_offset_minutes will be 660. For timezones behind UTC, the offset is negative. For example, the utc_offset_minutes is -60 for Cape Verde. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

vicinity?: string

The simplified address for the Place, including the street name, street number, and locality, but not the province/state, postal code, or country. For example, Google's Sydney, Australia office has a vicinity value of "48 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont". Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

website?: string

The authoritative website for this Place, such as a business' homepage. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.

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