Whether the Place is open at the current time.
Opening periods covering for each day of the week, starting from Sunday, in chronological order. Days in which the Place is not open are not included. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails.
An array of seven strings representing the formatted opening hours for each day of the week. The Places Service will format and localize the opening hours appropriately for the current language. The ordering of the elements in this array depends on the language. Some languages start the week on Monday while others start on Sunday. Only available with google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails. Other calls may return an empty array.
Check whether the place is open now (when no date is passed), or at the
given date. If this place does not have google.maps.places.PlaceResult.utc_offset_minutes or google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.periods then undefined
is returned (google.maps.places.PlaceOpeningHours.periods is only
available via google.maps.places.PlacesService.getDetails). This
method does not take exceptional hours, such as holiday hours, into
Generated using TypeDoc
Defines information about the opening hours of a Place.