  • Public
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Represents an instantiated image slider.


  • JXSlider




control: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Container for the slider control (.jx-control).

controller: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The draggable slider element (.jx-controller).

handler: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Container element with controller and the left and right arrow.

leftArrow: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Element for the left slider arrow (.jx-arrow).

leftImage: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Container element with the left image (.jx-image).

Current configuration of this slider.

rightArrow: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Element for the right slider arrow (.jx-arrow).

rightImage: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Container element with the right image (.jx-image).

slider: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Container element for the image slider component (.jx-slider).

sliderPosition: string

Current position of the image slider, eg. 50.00%.

wrapper: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Wrapper element with the image slider.


  • displayLabel(image: string, labelText: string): void
  • displayLabel(image: string, creditsText: string): void
  • Display the given label text for the left or right image. Adds to the exiting label(s).


    • image: string

      The image for which to display the label. Should be either the leftImage or rightImage property of this image slider instance.

    • labelText: string

      Label text to display.

    Returns void

  • Display the given label text for the left or right image. Adds to the existing credits


    • image: string

      The image for which to display the credits. Should be either the leftImage or rightImage property of this image slider instance.

    • creditsText: string

      Label text to display.

    Returns void

  • getPosition(): string
  • Finds the current position of this slider.

    Returns string

    The current position of this slider, eg. 50.00%.

  • updateSlider(percentage: string | number, animate?: boolean): void
  • Moves this slider to the specified position, optionally animating the move.


    • percentage: string | number

      A number in the range [0...100]. May also be a string in the format 50.00% or 50. Where you want to set the handle, relative to the left side of the slider.

    • Optional animate: boolean

      true to animate the transition, false to move this slider immediately.

    Returns void

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