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Type Parameters

  • T extends Function = Function


  • Callbacks



  • Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to a callback list.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.add() to add new callbacks to a callback list:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo: " + value );

    // Another function to also be added to the list
    var bar = function( value ) {
    console.log( "bar: " + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the function "foo" to the list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs: "foo: hello"

    // Add the function "bar" to the list
    callbacks.add( bar );

    // Fire the items on the list again
    callbacks.fire( "world" );

    // Outputs:
    // "foo: world"
    // "bar: world"


    • callback: TypeOrArray<T>

      A function, or array of functions, that are to be added to the callback list.

    • Rest ...callbacks: TypeOrArray<T>[]

      A function, or array of functions, that are to be added to the callback list.

    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • Disable a callback list from doing anything more.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.disable() to disable further calls to a callback list:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the above function to the list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list
    callbacks.fire( "foo" );
    // Outputs: foo

    // Disable further calls being possible

    // Attempt to fire with "foobar" as an argument
    callbacks.fire( "foobar" );
    // foobar isn't output

    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • disabled(): boolean
  • Determine if the callbacks list has been disabled.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.disabled() to determine if the callbacks list has been disabled:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo:" + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the logging function to the callback list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list, passing an argument
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs "foo: hello"

    // Disable the callbacks list

    // Test the disabled state of the list
    console.log ( callbacks.disabled() );
    // Outputs: true

    Returns boolean

  • Remove all of the callbacks from a list.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.empty() to empty a list of callbacks:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value1, value2 ) {
    console.log( "foo: " + value1 + "," + value2 );

    // Another function to also be added to the list
    var bar = function( value1, value2 ) {
    console.log( "bar: " + value1 + "," + value2 );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the two functions
    callbacks.add( foo );
    callbacks.add( bar );

    // Empty the callbacks list

    // Check to ensure all callbacks have been removed
    console.log( callbacks.has( foo ) );
    // false
    console.log( callbacks.has( bar ) );
    // false

    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • Call all of the callbacks with the given arguments.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.fire() to invoke the callbacks in a list with any arguments that have been passed:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo:" + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the function "foo" to the list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list
    callbacks.fire( "hello" ); // Outputs: "foo: hello"
    callbacks.fire( "world" ); // Outputs: "foo: world"

    // Add another function to the list
    var bar = function( value ){
    console.log( "bar:" + value );

    // Add this function to the list
    callbacks.add( bar );

    // Fire the items on the list again
    callbacks.fire( "hello again" );
    // Outputs:
    // "foo: hello again"
    // "bar: hello again"


    • Rest ...args: any[]

      The argument or list of arguments to pass back to the callback list.

    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • fireWith(context: object, args?: ArrayLike<any>): Callbacks<T>
  • Call all callbacks in a list with the given context and arguments.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.fireWith() to fire a list of callbacks with a specific context and an array of arguments:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var log = function( value1, value2 ) {
    console.log( "Received: " + value1 + "," + value2 );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the log method to the callbacks list
    callbacks.add( log );

    // Fire the callbacks on the list using the context "window"
    // and an arguments array

    callbacks.fireWith( window, [ "foo","bar" ] );
    // Outputs: "Received: foo, bar"


    • context: object

      A reference to the context in which the callbacks in the list should be fired.

    • Optional args: ArrayLike<any>

      An argument, or array of arguments, to pass to the callbacks in the list.

    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • fired(): boolean
  • Determine if the callbacks have already been called at least once.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.fired() to determine if the callbacks in a list have been called at least once:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo:" + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the function "foo" to the list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list
    callbacks.fire( "hello" ); // Outputs: "foo: hello"
    callbacks.fire( "world" ); // Outputs: "foo: world"

    // Test to establish if the callbacks have been called
    console.log( callbacks.fired() );

    Returns boolean

  • has(callback?: T): boolean
  • Determine whether or not the list has any callbacks attached. If a callback is provided as an argument, determine whether it is in a list.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.has() to check if a callback list contains a specific callback:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value1, value2 ) {
    console.log( "Received: " + value1 + "," + value2 );

    // A second function which will not be added to the list
    var bar = function( value1, value2 ) {
    console.log( "foobar" );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the log method to the callbacks list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Determine which callbacks are in the list
    console.log( callbacks.has( foo ) );
    // true
    console.log( callbacks.has( bar ) );
    // false


    • Optional callback: T

      The callback to search for.

    Returns boolean

  • Lock a callback list in its current state.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.lock() to lock a callback list to avoid further changes being made to the list state:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo:" + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the logging function to the callback list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list, passing an argument
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs "foo: hello"

    // Lock the callbacks list

    // Try firing the items again
    callbacks.fire( "world" );

    // As the list was locked, no items were called,
    // so "world" isn't logged

    ​ ````Use callbacks.lock() to lock a callback list with "memory," and then resume using the list:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>callbacks.lock demo</title>
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js"></script>

    <div id="log"></div>

    // Simple function for logging results
    var log = function( value ) {
    $( "#log" ).append( "<p>" + value + "</p>" );

    // Two sample functions to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    log( "foo: " + value );
    var bar = function( value ) {
    log( "bar: " + value );

    // Create the callbacks object with the "memory" flag
    var callbacks = $.Callbacks( "memory" );

    // Add the foo logging function to the callback list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list, passing an argument
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs "foo: hello"

    // Lock the callbacks list

    // Try firing the items again
    callbacks.fire( "world" );
    // As the list was locked, no items were called,
    // so "foo: world" isn't logged

    // Add the foo function to the callback list again
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Try firing the items again
    callbacks.fire( "silentArgument" );
    // Outputs "foo: hello" because the argument value was stored in memory

    // Add the bar function to the callback list
    callbacks.add( bar );

    callbacks.fire( "youHadMeAtHello" );
    // Outputs "bar: hello" because the list is still locked,
    // and the argument value is still stored in memory


    Returns Callbacks<T>

  • locked(): boolean
  • Determine if the callbacks list has been locked.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.locked() to determine the lock-state of a callback list:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo: " + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the logging function to the callback list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list, passing an argument
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs "foo: hello"

    // Lock the callbacks list

    // Test the lock-state of the list
    console.log ( callbacks.locked() );
    // true

    Returns boolean

  • Remove a callback or a collection of callbacks from a callback list.






    ​ ````Use callbacks.remove() to remove callbacks from a callback list:

    // A sample logging function to be added to a callbacks list
    var foo = function( value ) {
    console.log( "foo: " + value );

    var callbacks = $.Callbacks();

    // Add the function "foo" to the list
    callbacks.add( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list
    callbacks.fire( "hello" );
    // Outputs: "foo: hello"

    // Remove "foo" from the callback list
    callbacks.remove( foo );

    // Fire the items on the list again
    callbacks.fire( "world" );

    // Nothing output as "foo" is no longer in the list


    • Rest ...callbacks: T[]

      A function, or array of functions, that are to be removed from the callback list.

    Returns Callbacks<T>

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