  • Public
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Interface for an instance of the jQuery BlueImp File Upload plugin.

The widget can be initialized on a file upload in the following way:


File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery.

Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing.

Works with any server-side platform (PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, Node.js, Go etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.

See https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload




defaultElement: string
document: Document
element: JQuery<HTMLElement>
eventNamespace: string

Namespace for the events of this widget.

focusable: JQuery<HTMLElement>

List of focusable elements.

hoverable: JQuery<HTMLElement>

List of hoverable elements.

namespace: string

Current options for this file upload widget.

processActions: Record<string, ProcessAction>

This actions that are defined as a property of $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.processActions.

uuid: string
widgetEventPrefix: string
widgetFullName: string
window: Window


  • active(): number
  • Finds the number of currently active uploads.

    Returns number

    The number of active uploads.

  • Usually, file uploads are invoked by selecting files via file input button or by dropping files on the drop zone.

    However it is also possible to upload files programmatically for browsers with support for XHR file uploads.

    This uploads files by adding them to the upload queue, the same way that files are added via the file input button or drag & drop.


    • filesAndOptions: FileUploadData

      A list of files to add to this widget. You can also override options of this widget.

    Returns void

    This JQuery instance for chaining.

  • destroy(): undefined
  • To remove the file upload widget functionality from the element node, call the destroy method. This will also remove any added event listeners.

    Returns undefined

    This JQuery instance for chaining.

  • Sets the given option to the given value.

    Type Parameters


    Returns JQueryFileUpload.FileUpload

    The value of the given option

  • Retrieves the value of the given option.

    Type Parameters


    • optionName: K

      Name of an option to retrieve.

    Returns FileUploadOptions[K]

    The value of the given option.

  • Sets the given options on this file upload instance.


    Returns JQueryFileUpload.FileUpload

    This JQuery instance for chaining.

  • Return the current set of options. This includes default options.

    Returns FileUploadOptions

    An object with all options.

  • Finds the overall progress of all uploads.

    Returns UploadProgress

    The overall progress of all uploads.

  • Usually, file uploads are invoked by selecting files via file input button or by dropping files on the drop zone.

    However it is also possible to upload files programmatically for browsers with support for XHR file uploads.

    This sends the file directly to the server.

    Note: The send API method sends the given files directly, without splitting them up into multiple requests. So if your files argument is made up of 3 files, it will still only send one request. If the multipart option is true, it will still send all 3 files as part of one multipart request, else it will only send the first file. So if you need to send files with multiple requests, either call the send API method multiple times, or use the add API method instead.


    • filesAndOptions: FileUploadData

      A list of files to add to this widget. You can also override options of this widget.

    Returns jqXHR<any>

    A jqXHR object that allows to bind callbacks to the AJAX file upload requests.

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