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  • All

Optional settings that can be passed when creating a new keypad instance to customize its behavior.




appendText: string

Text that is to be appended to all affected fields, such as to describe the presence or purpose of the keypad.

beforeShow: null | BeforeShowListener

A function that is called after the keypad is constructed but before it is displayed, allowing you to update it. For example, you could add extra buttons that perform tasks outside the scope of the normal keypad.

The function receives the division to be displayed and the keypad instance object as parameters, while this refers to the text field.

beforeShow: function(div, inst) {
$("<button id=\"clickMe\" class=\"keypad-key\">Click me</button>")
.click(function() {


buttonImage: string

The URL of an image to use for the trigger button.

buttonImageOnly: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the trigger image should appear by itself and not on a button.

duration: number | "slow" | "normal" | "fast"

Control the speed of the show/hide animation with this setting: slow, normal, fast, or a number of milliseconds.

keypadClass: string

One popup keypad is shared by all instances, so this setting allows you to apply different CSS styling by adding an extra class to the keypad for each instance.

keypadOnly: boolean

Set to true to indicate that only the keypad can be used to enter text, or to false to allow normal entry as well. This option does not apply to inline keypads.

layout: string[]

Set the layout of the keypad by defining the characters present on each row. All alphabetic characters should be in lower case. Make use of the keypad constants to add special features into the layout:

  • $.keypad.CLOSE - the button to close the keypad
  • $.keypad.CLEAR - the button to clear the input field
  • $.keypad.BACK - the button to erase the previous character
  • $.keypad.SHIFT - the button to toggle between upper/lower case characters
  • $.keypad.SPACE_BAR - an extended space character
  • $.keypad.ENTER - the button to add a carriage return
  • $.keypad.TAB - the button to add a tab character
  • $.keypad.SPACE - blank space equivalent to one key
  • $.keypad.HALF_SPACE - blank space equivalent to half a key

Use the regional settings to set what is shown for each of these buttons.


1.2.0 - added SPACE_BAR.


1.2.4 - added ENTER.


1.4.0 - added TAB.

onClose: null | CloseListener

A function that is called when the keypad is closed.

The function receives the current field value and the keypad instance object as parameters, while this refers to the text field.

onClose: function(value, inst) {
alert("Closed with value " + value);
onKeypress: null | KeypressListener

A function that is called when a key is pressed on the keypad.

The function receives the current key value ($.keypad.BS for the Back key, $.keypad.DEL for the Clear key, and the empty string for other control keys), the full field value, and the keypad instance object as parameters, while this refers to the text field.

Of course, you can still have an onchange handler for the input field itself.

onKeypress: function(key, value, inst) {
$("#keypress").text(key || " ");

1.2.0 - added current key parameter.


1.2.1 - added $.keypad.BS and $.keypad.DEL characters for Back and Clear keys.

prompt: string

Text that is displayed at the top of the keypad. The value may include HTML markup.

randomiseAll: boolean

Set to true to indicate that all characters in the layout should be randomised for each display. When true, this setting overrides the other randomized settings.



randomiseAlphabetic: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the alphabetic characters in the layout should be randomised for each display. The isAlphabetic setting determines which characters are alphabetic.

randomiseNumeric: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the numeric characters in the layout should be randomised for each display. The isNumeric setting determines which characters are numeric.

randomiseOther: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the non-alphanumeric characters in the layout should be randomised for each display.

separator: string

The character that separates the text content of the keys, used in conjunction with the layout setting.

By default it is blank, so each key contains only one character.

separator: "|",
layout: [


showAnim: string

Set which animation is used to display the keypad. Choose from three standard animations show, fadeIn, or slideDown; or use one of the jQuery UI effects if you include that package. For no animation use the empty string.


1.2.3 - use empty string for no animation.

showOn: "focus" | "button" | "both"

Control when the keypad is displayed:

  • focus for only on focus of the text field
  • button for only on clicking the trigger button
  • both for both focus and button
showOptions: null | Record<string, unknown>

If you use one of the jQuery UI effects for the animation above, you can supply additional options for that effect via this setting:

showAnim: "clip",
showOptions: {
direction: "horizontal"
target: null | string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>

When using an inline keypad you can set this field to an input field to have the keypad update it automatically. The value can be either the element itself, a jQuery wrapper around the element, or the jQuery selector for it.

When not given, uses the onKeypress callback instead.



useThemeRoller: boolean

Set to true to add ThemeRoller classes to the keypad to allow the keypad to integrate with other UI components using a theme.



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