  • Public
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These settings comprise the regional settings that may be localised by a language package. They can be overridden for individual instances:

$(selector).keypad({backText: "BS"});


  • RegionalSettings



alphabeticLayout: string[]

The layout for alphabetic keyboard characters in this language.

backStatus: string

The description of the back button's purpose, used in a tool tip.

backText: string

The text to display for the button to erase the previous character.

buttonStatus: string

The description of the button's purpose, used in a tool tip.

buttonText: string

The text to display on a trigger button for the keypad.

clearStatus: string

The description of the clear button's purpose, used in a tool tip.

clearText: string

The text to display for the button to clear the text field.

closeStatus: string

The description of the close button's purpose, used in a tool tip.

closeText: string

The text to display for the button to close the keypad.

enterStatus: string

The description of the enter button's purpose, used in a tool tip.



enterText: string

The text to display for the button to add a carriage return.



fullLayout: string[]

The layout for the full standard keyboard in this language.

isRTL: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the current language flows right-to-left.

shiftStatus: string

The description of the shift button's purpose, used in a tool tip.

shiftText: string

The text to display for the button to shift between upper and lower case characters.

spacebarStatus: string

The description of the space bar button's purpose, used in a tool tip.



spacebarText: string

The text to display for the extended button to add a space.



tabStatus: string

The description of the tab button's purpose, used in a tool tip.



tabText: string

The text to display for the button to add a tab.




  • isAlphabetic(character: string): boolean
  • A function to determine whether or not a character is alphabetic.

    The character to test is passed as the parameter and a boolean response is expected.

    The default accepts A to Z and a to z.


    • character: string

      A character to test.

    Returns boolean

    true if the given character is contained in the set of alphabetical characters, or false otherwise.

  • isNumeric(character: string): boolean
  • A function to determine whether or not a character is numeric.

    The character to test is passed as the parameter and a boolean response is expected.

    The default accepts 0 to 9.


    • character: string

      A character to test.

    Returns boolean

    true if the given character is contained in the set of numerical characters, or false otherwise.

  • toUpper(character: string): string
  • A function to convert a character into its upper case form.

    It accepts one parameter being the current character and returns the corresponding upper case character.

    The default uses the standard JavaScript toUpperCase function.

    layout: [
    toUpper: function(ch) {
    return {
    "1": "!",
    "2": "@",
    "3": "#",
    "4": "$",
    "5": "%"
    }[ch] || ch;



    • character: string

      A character to convert to upper case.

    Returns string

    The given character, converted to upper case; or the given character itself if it cannot be converted.

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