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Represents the available options for the date or time picker.




appendTo: null | string

Appends the dialog to the element defined by the CSS selector.

clearButtonStyleClass: string

Style class for the button that clear the selected date or time.

dateFormat: string

Date format to be used for parsing and formatting dates, such as mm/dd/yy.

dateStyleClasses: null | string

Style class of the individual date elements.

dateTemplate: null | DateTemplate

Javascript function that takes a date object and returns the content for the date cell.

defaultDate: null | string | Date | Date[]

The default date that is shown when none was specified.

disabled: boolean

Whether the input is disabled.

disabledDates: null | string[]

List of dates that should be disabled.

disabledDays: null | number

List of week day indexes that should be disabled.

enabledDates: null | string[]

List of dates that should be enabled.

hideOnDateTimeSelect: boolean

Defines if the popup should be hidden when a time is selected.

hourFormat: ClockConvention

Defines the hour format, either 12 hour mode or 24 hour mode.

icon: string

Icon of the date picker element that toggles the visibility in popup mode.

id: string | string[]

The ID of this widget, usually the ID of the DOM element.

inline: boolean

Whether the date picker is rendered inline or as an overlay.

inputId: null | string

ID of the input element that stores the selected date or time.

inputStyle: null | string

Inline style of the input element. Used when mode is popup.

inputStyleClass: null | string

Style class of the input element. Used when mode is popup.

keepInvalid: boolean

Whether to keep the invalid inputs in the field or not.

locale: Partial<PickerLocale>

Localized strings for various messages displayed by the date or time picker.

maxDate: null | string

Sets date picker's maximum selectable value. Also used for validation on the server-side.

maxDateCount: null | number

Defines the maximum number of selectable dates in multiple selection mode.

minDate: null | string

Sets date picker's minimum selectable value. Also used for validation on the server-side.

monthNavigator: boolean

Whether to show the month navigator

name: null | string

The name of this widget.

numberOfMonths: number

Number of months to display concurrently.

onBeforeHide: null | BaseCallback

Client side callback to execute before the date picker overlay is hidden.

onBeforeShow: null | BaseCallback

Client side callback to execute before the date picker overlay is shown.

onBlur: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when input element loses focus.

onChange: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when the selected date has changed.

onClearButtonClick: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when the button to clear the selected date or time was clicked.

onFocus: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when input element receives focus.

onInput: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when data was entered into the input field.

onMonthChange: null | MutationCallback<[number, number]>

Client side callback to execute when the selected month has changed.

onPanelCreate: null | BaseCallback

Client side callback to execute when the panel with the date picker was created.

onSelect: null | MutationEventCallback<[Date]>

Client side callback to execute when text within input element is selected by user.

onTodayButtonClick: null | BaseEventCallback

Client side callback to execute when the button to switch to the current date was clicked.

onViewDateChange: null | MutationEventCallback<[Date]>

Client side callback to execute when the displayed date changes.

onYearChange: null | MutationCallback<[number, number]>

Client side callback to execute when the selected year has changed.

panelStyle: null | string

Inline style of the container element.

panelStyleClass: null | string

Style class of the container element.

placeholder: null | string

Specifies a short hint.

rangeSeparator: string

Separator for joining start and end dates on range selection mode, such as -.

readOnlyInput: boolean

Whether the input is set to readonly.

required: boolean

Whether an input is required.

selectOtherMonths: boolean

Enables selection of days belonging to other months.

Defines the selection mode, whether one or multiple dates can be selected.

shortYearCutoff: string

The cutoff year for determining the century for a date. Any dates entered with a year value less than or equal to the cutoff year are considered to be in the current century, while those greater than it are deemed to be in the previous century.

showButtonBar: boolean

Whether to display buttons at the footer.

showIcon: boolean

Whether to show an icon to display the picker in an overlay

showMilliseconds: boolean

Whether to show the milliseconds in time picker. Default is false.

showOnFocus: boolean

Whether the date picker overlay is shown when the element focused.

showOtherMonths: boolean

Displays days belonging to other months.

showSeconds: boolean

Whether to show the seconds in time picker. Default is false.

showTime: boolean

Specifies if the time picker should be displayed

stepHour: number

Hour steps.

stepMillisecond: number

Millisecond steps.

stepMinute: number

Minute steps.

stepSecond: number

Second steps.

style: null | string

Inline style of the component.

styleClass: null | string

Style class of the component.

tabIndex: null | string

Tabindex of the date picker button

timeInput: boolean

Whether an input is rendered for the time, or a text element only.

timeOnly: boolean

Shows only time picker without date.

timeSeparator: string

Separator for joining the hour and minute part of a time, defaults to :.

todayButtonStyleClass: string

Style class for the button that switches to the current date.

touchUI: boolean

Activates touch friendly mode

userLocale: null | Partial<PickerLocale>

Custom localized settings for the locale.

valid: boolean

Whether the current input is a valid date / time.

Defines the view mode, whether a date or month is to be selected.

viewDate: null | string | Date | Date[]

The date that is shown in the picker.

yearNavigator: boolean

Whether to show the year navigator

yearRange: null | string

The range of years displayed in the year drop-down in (nnnn:nnnn) format such as (2000:2020). Default value is displayed_date - 10 : displayed_date + 10.

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