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Settings for the jQuery.print plugin.


  • PrintSettings



append: string | JQuery<HTMLElement>

Adds custom HTML after the selected content.

deferred: Deferred<void, any, any>

A jQuery deferred object that is resolved once the print function is called. Can be used to setup callbacks.

doctype: string

To prepend a doctype to the printed document frame.

globalStyles: boolean

Whether or not the styles from the parent document should be included.

iframe: string | boolean

Whether to print from an iframe instead of a pop-up window; can take the CSS selector of an existing iframe.

manuallyCopyFormValues: boolean

Should it copy user-updated form input values onto the printed markup (this is done by manually iterating over each form element).

mediaPrint: boolean

Whether or not link tags with media='print' should be included; overridden by the globalStyles. option.

noPrintSelector: string

A selector for the items that are to be excluded from printing.

prepend: string | JQuery<HTMLElement>

Adds custom HTML before the selected content.

stylesheet: null | string

URL of an external stylesheet to be included.

timeout: number

To change the amount of max time to wait for the content, etc to load before printing the element from the new window or iframe created, as a fallback if the load event for the new window or iframe has not fired yet.

title: null | string

To change the printed title. Must be a single line.

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