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For advanced usage of the Calendar, you may pass an object of this type to use controls other than sliders and selects for selecting an hour, minute, or second.


  • CustomControl



  • Creates the control for the given time unit and appends it to the given container element.


    • instance: Timepicker

      The current date time picker instance.

    • container: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The container element to which the created control must be appended.

    • unit: JQueryUITimepickerAddon.TimeUnit

      The type of control for which to set the value.

    • val: number

      Initial value for the control

    • min: number

      Minimum allowed value for the time unit the user may select.

    • max: number

      Maximum allowed value for the time unit the user may select.

    • step: number

      Desired step size for selecting a value.

    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

    The container element as passed to this method.

  • Sets the given ooptions on the control for the given time unit.


    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

    The container element as passed to this method.

  • Sets the value of control for the given time uit.


    • instance: Timepicker

      The current date time picker instance.

    • container: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The container element of the control, as passed to create.

    • unit: JQueryUITimepickerAddon.TimeUnit

      The type of control for which to set the value.

    • val: number

      Value to set on this control.

    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

    The container element as passed to this method.

  • Gets the current value of the control for the given time unit.


    • instance: Timepicker

      The current date time picker instance.

    • container: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The container element of the control, as passed to create.

    • unit: JQueryUITimepickerAddon.TimeUnit

      The type of control for which to get the value.

    Returns number

    The current value of the control.

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