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Represents localized messages for a certain locale that are displayed by the datetimepicker.




amNames: string[]

Default: ["AM", "A"], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine AM.

hourText: string

Default: Hour, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the hour slider.

microsecText: string

Default: Microsecond, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the microsecond slider.

millisecText: string

Default: Millisecond, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the millisecond slider.

minuteText: string

Default: Minute, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the minute slider.

pmNames: string[]

Default: ["PM", "P"], A Localization Setting - Array of strings to try and parse against to determine PM.

secondText: string

Default: Second, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the second slider.

timeFormat: string

Default: HH:mm, A Localization Setting - String of format tokens to be replaced with the time.

timeOnlyTitle: string

Default: Choose Time, A Localization Setting - Title of the wigit when using only timepicker.

timeSuffix: string

Default: Empty string, A Localization Setting - String to place after the formatted time.

timeText: string

Default: Time, A Localization Setting - Label used within timepicker for the formatted time.

timezoneText: string

Default: Timezone, A Localization Setting - Label used to identify the timezone slider.

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