  • Public
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Represents the data passed to the $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.processActions handlers.




fileInput?: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The input element of type file.

fileInputClone?: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The cloned input element of type file.

files: File[]

List of files currently selected.

form?: JQuery<HTMLElement>

Form element that holds the file input.

index: number

The index of the current file to be processed.

originalFiles: File[]

Original list of files that were present.

paramName?: string | string[]

Name of the file input or inputs.


  • Aborts the file upload.

    Returns Promise<void, any, any>

    A promise that resolves once the file upload is aborted.

  • processing(): boolean
  • Checks whether any upload is being processed.

    Returns boolean

    Whether any upload is being processed.

  • response(): Record<string, unknown> | ResponseObject<unknown, unknown>
  • Retrieves the current response object.

    Returns Record<string, unknown> | ResponseObject<unknown, unknown>

    The current response object with the response info.

  • Finds the current state of the file upload request.

    Returns Promise<string, any, any>

    A promise that resolves with the current state of the file upload request.

  • submit(): Promise<unknown, any, any>

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