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The interface for the object containing functionality related to handling AJAX responses


  • Response



  • destroyDetachedWidgets(): void
  • Destroys all widgets that are not part of the DOM anymore, usually because they were removed by an AJAX update. Calls the destroy method on the widget and removes the widget from the global widget registry.

    Returns void

  • Handles the response of an AJAX request. The response consists of one or more actions such as executing a script or updating a DOM element. See also jsf.ajax.response.

    Also updates the specified components if any and synchronizes the client side JSF state. DOM updates are implemented using jQuery which uses a very algorithm.

    Type Parameters


    • xml: XMLDocument

      The XML that was returned by the AJAX request.

    • status: SuccessTextStatus

      Text status of the request.

    • xhr: pfXHR<PrimeFacesArgs>

      The XHR request to which a response was received.

    • Optional updateHandler: UpdateHandler<TWidget>

      Optional handler for update actions.

    Returns void

  • Puts focus on the given element if necessary.


    • activeElementId: string

      ID of the active to refocus.

    • Optional activeElementSelection: ActiveElementSelection

      The range to select, for INPUT and TEXTAREA elements.

    Returns void

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