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Type Aliases

ShorthandConfiguration: RenameKeys<PrimeFaces.validation.Configuration, { ajax: "a"; focus: "f"; highlight: "h"; process: "p"; renderMessages: "r"; source: "s"; update: "u"; validateInvisibleElements: "v" }>

Options passed to PrimeFaces.vb as shortcut. This is the same as Configuration, but with shorter option names and is used mainly by the method PrimeFaces.vb. See Configuration for a detailed description of these options.


CFG_SHORTCUTS: Record<string, string>

Parameter shortcut mapping for the method PrimeFaces.vb.

ajaxCompleteBound: boolean

Is the Ajax-complete-handler bound?


  • bindAjaxComplete(): void
  • NOTE: This is an internal method and should only be used by PrimeFaces itself.

    Bind to Ajax-Complete-events to update CSV-state after an Ajax-call may have changed state.


    Returns void

  • validate(source: JQuery<HTMLElement>, process: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>, update: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>, highlight: boolean, focus: boolean, renderMessages: boolean, validateInvisibleElements: boolean): ValidationResult
  • Triggers client-side-validation of single or multiple containers (complex validation or simple inputs).


    • source: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The source element.

    • process: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The elements to be processed.

    • update: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The elements to be updated.

    • highlight: boolean

      If invalid elements should be highlighted.

    • focus: boolean

      If the first invalid element should be focused.

    • renderMessages: boolean

      If messages should be rendered.

    • validateInvisibleElements: boolean

      If invisible elements should be validated.

    Returns ValidationResult

    The validation result.

  • validateButtonCsvRequirements(btn: HTMLButtonElement): void
  • Validates the CSV-requirements of a CommandButton.


    • btn: HTMLButtonElement

      CommandButton which´s CSV-requirements should be validated.

    Returns void

  • validateButtonsCsvRequirements(): void
  • Searches for all CommandButtons with turned on dynamic CSV and triggers CSV.

    Returns void

  • validateComplex(source: JQuery<HTMLElement>, element: JQuery<HTMLElement>, highlight: boolean): boolean
  • NOTE: This is an internal method and should only be used by PrimeFaces.validation.validate.

    Performs a client-side validation of (the value of) the given container element. If the element is valid, removes old messages from the element. If the value of the element is invalid, adds the appropriate validation failure messages.



    • source: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      the source element.

    • element: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      A JQuery instance with a single input element to validate.

    • highlight: boolean

      If the invalid element should be highlighted.

    Returns boolean

    true if the value of the element is valid, false otherwise.

  • validateInput(source: JQuery<HTMLElement>, element: JQuery<HTMLElement>, highlight: boolean): void
  • NOTE: This is a internal method and should only by used by PrimeFaces.validation.validate.

    Performs a client-side validation of (the value of) the given input element. If the element is valid, removes old messages from the element. If the value of the element is invalid, adds the appropriate validation failure messages.



    • source: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The source element.

    • element: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      A JQuery instance with a single input element to validate.

    • highlight: boolean

      If the invalid element should be highlighted.

    Returns void

  • validateInstant(el: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>, highlight: boolean, renderMessages: boolean): boolean
  • Performs a client-side validation of the given element. The context of this validation is a single field only. If the element is valid, removes old messages from the element. If the value of the element is invalid, adds the appropriate validation failure messages. This is used by p:clientValidator.


    • el: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The ID of an input to validate, or the input itself.

    • highlight: boolean

      If the invalid element should be highlighted.

    • renderMessages: boolean

      If messages should be rendered.

    Returns boolean

    true if the element is valid, or false otherwise.

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