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The object that contains functionality related to handling faces messages, especially validation errror messages. Contains methods for clearing message of an element or adding messages to an element.



elementGroups: string[]

A list of element groups to be validated. Usually corresponds to the name of single form element. For some cases such as a select list of checkboxes, a group may correspond to multiple DOM elements.

messages: Record<string, FacesMessage[]>

A map between the client ID of an element and a list of faces message for that element.


  • addElementGroup(name: string): void
  • Adds a group to the list of element groups to validate. An element group is often just the name of a single INPUT, TEXTAREA or SELECT element, but may also consist of multiple DOM elements, such as in the case of select list of checkboxes.


    • name: string

      Name of an element group to add.

    Returns void

  • Adds a faces message to the given element.


    • element: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      Element to which to add the message.

    • msg: FacesMessage

      Message to add to the given message.

    Returns void

  • clear(): void
  • Removes all messages from this validation context.

    Returns void

  • getLabel(element: JQuery<HTMLElement>): string
  • Shortcut for PrimeFaces.validation.Utils.getLabel.


    • element: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      A DOM element for which to find the label.

    Returns string

    The label of the given element.

  • Shortcut for PrimeFaces.validation.Utils.getMessage.


    • key: string

      The i18n key of a message, such as javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED or javax.faces.validator.LengthValidator.MINIMUM.

    Returns FacesMessage | null

    The localized faces message for the given key, or null if no translation was found for the key.

  • getMessagesLength(): number
  • Reports how many messages were added to this validation context. Note that each component may have several messages.

    Returns number

    The number of messages added to this validation context.

  • isEmpty(): boolean
  • Checks whether this validation context contains any messages at all.

    Returns boolean

    true if this validation context contains zero messages, or false otherwise.

  • isGroupValidated(name: string): boolean
  • Checks whether the given element group is in the list of groups to be validated. An element group is often just the name of a single INPUT, TEXTAREA or SELECT element, but may also consist of multiple DOM elements, such as in the case of a select list of checkboxes.


    • name: string

      Name of an element group to check.

    Returns boolean

    true if the given group is to be validated, or false otherwise.

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