  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

The options that can be passed to the Validation method. Note that you do not have to provide a value for all these property. Most methods such as PrimeFaces.vb have got sensible defaults in case you do not.


  • Configuration



ajax: boolean

true if the validation is triggered by AJAXified compoment. Defaults to false.

focus: boolean

true if the first invalid element should be focussed. Default is true.

highlight: boolean

true if invalid elements should be highlighted as invalid. Default is true.

process: string

A (client-side) PrimeFaces search expression for the components to process in the validation.

renderMessages: boolean

true if messages should be rendered. Default is true.

source: string | HTMLElement | JQuery<HTMLElement>

The source that triggered the validationt.

update: string

A (client-side) PrimeFaces search expression for the components to update in the validation.

validateInvisibleElements: boolean

true if invisible elements should be validated. Default is false.

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