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Represents the data of a PrimeFaces AJAX request. This is the value that is returned by PrimeFaces.ab and PrimeFaces.ajax.Request.handle.

Type Parameters


  • ResponseData



document: XMLDocument

The XML document that was returned by the server. This may include several elements such as update for DOM updates that need to be performed, executeScript for running JavaScript code. A typical response might look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<update id="content:msgs"><![CDATA[
<span id="content:msgs" class="ui-growl-pl">...</span>
<script id="content:msgs_s" type="text/javascript">...</script>
<update id="content:javax.faces.ViewState:0"><![CDATA[3644438980748093603:2519460806875181703]]></update>
jqXHR: pfXHR<P>

The jQuery XHR request object that was used for the request.

Note: This object has a pfArgs entry that contains the values added to the response by the server. See PrimeFaces.ajax.pfXHR.pfArgs and PrimeFaces.ajax.RemoteCommand.

textStatus: SuccessTextStatus

A string describing the type of success. Usually the HTTP status text.

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