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PrimeFaces SpeedDial Widget

SpeedDial is a component that consists of many actions and a floating action button. When pressed, a floating action button can display multiple primary actions that can be performed on a page.

Type Parameters




  • Creates a new instance of this widget. Please note that you should NOT override this constructor. Instead, override the init method, which is called at the end of the constructor once the instance is created.

    Type Parameters


    • cfg: PartialWidgetCfg<TCfg>

      The widget configuration to be used for this widget instance. This widget configuration is usually created on the server by the javax.faces.render.Renderer for this component.

    Returns SpeedDial<TCfg>


badge: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the badge of the floating action button of the speed dial.

button: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the floating action button of the speed dial.

buttonIcon: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the icon of the floating action button of the speed dial.

cfg: PartialWidgetCfg<TCfg>

The configuration of this widget instance. Please note that no property is guaranteed to be present, you should always check for undefined before accessing a property. This is partly because the value of a property is not transmitted from the server to the client when it equals the default.

container: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the container of the speed dial that contains item container and button.

Array of registered listeners invoked when this widget is destroyed. You should normally not use modify this directly, use addDestroyListener instead.

documentClickListener?: OnDocumentClickCallback

Callback invoked when the document was clicked. This is used to detect whether the user clicked outside the speed dial so that it can be closed.

id: string | string[]

The client-side ID of this widget, with all parent naming containers, such as myForm:myWidget. This is also the ID of the container HTML element for this widget. In case the widget needs multiple container elements (such as Paginator), this may also be an array if IDs.

isItemClicked?: boolean

Whether the speed dial was recently clicked. Used to determine whether the user clicked outside the speed dial after clicking inside of it. undefined when no clicks where performed yet.

itemContainer: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the item container of the speed dial.

items: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM elements for the speed dial items.

itemsCount: number

The number of action items.

jq: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The jQuery instance of the container element of this widget. In case id is an array, it will contain multiple elements. Please note that some widgets have got not DOM elements at all, in this case this will be an empty jQuery instance.

jqId: string

A CSS selector for the container element (or elements, in case id is an array) of this widget, This is usually an ID selector (that is properly escaped). You can select the container element or elements like this: $(widget.jqId).

key: string

The key of the JSON object.

mask: JQuery<HTMLElement>

The DOM element for the mask of the speed dial.

Array of registered listeners invoked when this widget is refreshed. You should normally not use modify this directly, use addRefreshListener instead.

visible: boolean

Whether overlay is visible or not.

widgetVar: string

The name of the widget variables of this widget. The widget variable can be used to access a widget instance by calling PF('myWidgetVar').


  • _render(): void
  • This render method is called by this deferred widget once the widget container has become visible. You may now proceed with widget initialization.

    Must be overridden, or an error will be thrown.


    Returns void

  • addDeferredRender(widgetId: string, container: JQuery<HTMLElement>, callback: (() => boolean)): void
  • Adds a deferred rendering task for the given widget to the queue.


    • widgetId: string

      The ID of a deferred widget.

    • container: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      The container element that should be visible.

    • callback: (() => boolean)

      Callback that is invoked when the widget may possibly have become visible. Should return true when the widget was rendered, or false when the widget still needs to be rendered later.

        • (): boolean
        • Returns boolean

    Returns void

  • Lets you register a listener that is called before the component is destroyed.

    When an AJAX call is made and this component is updated, the DOM element is replaced with the newly rendered content. When the element is removed from the DOM by the update, the DOM element is detached from the DOM and all destroy listeners are called. This makes it possible to add listeners from outside the widget code.

    If you call this method twice with the same listener, it will be registered twice and later also called twice.

    Note that for this to work, you must not override the destroy method; or if you do, call super.

    Also, after this widget was detached is done, all destroy listeners will be unregistered.




    Returns void

  • When an AJAX call is made and this component is updated, the DOM element is replaced with the newly rendered content. However, no new instance of the widget is created. Instead, after the DOM element was replaced, all refresh listeners are called. This makes it possible to add listeners from outside the widget code.

    If you call this method twice with the same listener, it will be registered twice and later also called twice.

    Note that for this to work, you must not override the refresh method; or if you do, call super.

    Also, after the refresh is done, all refresh listeners will be deregistered. If you added the listeners from within this widget, consider adding the refresh listeners not only in the init method, but also again in the refresh method after calling super.




    Returns void

  • bindDocumentClickListener(): void
  • Adds the outside click event listener to the document.

    Returns void

  • bindEvents(): void
  • Sets up all event listeners required by this widget.

    Returns void

  • calculatePointStyle(index: number): PlainObject<string | number>
  • Calculates point styles of the action items according to items' index.


    • index: number

      Index of the action item element

    Returns PlainObject<string | number>

    Point styles of the action item.

  • calculateTransitionDelay(index: number): number
  • Calculates transition delay of the action items according to items' index.


    • index: number

      Index of the action item element.

    Returns number

    Delay in milliseconds for the transition.

  • Each widget may have one or several behaviors attached to it. This method calls all attached behaviors for the given event name. In case no such behavior exists, this method does nothing and returns immediately.

    A behavior is a way for associating client-side scripts with UI components that opens all sorts of possibilities, including client-side validation, DOM and style manipulation, keyboard handling, and more. When the behavior is triggered, the configured JavaScript gets executed.

    Behaviors are often, but not necessarily, AJAX behavior. When triggered, it initiates a request the server and processes the response once it is received. This enables several features such as updating or replacing elements dynamically. You can add an AJAX behavior via <p:ajax event="name" actionListener="#{...}" onstart="..." />.




    • event: string

      The name of an event to call.

    • Optional ext: Partial<ConfigurationExtender>

      Additional configuration that is passed to the AJAX request for the server-side callback.

    Returns void

  • createItemContainerStyle(): void
  • Creates responsive style of the item container.

    Returns void

  • destroy(): void
  • Cleans up deferred render tasks. When you extend this class and override this method, make sure to call super.


    Returns void

  • getAriaLabel(label: string): string
  • Creates an ARIA label for an element.


    • label: string

      The label key to look up

    Returns string

    The ARIA label text - either from the widget configuration if specified, or from the PrimeFaces global ARIA labels

  • getBehavior(name: string): null | Behavior
  • Each widget may have one or several behaviors attached to it. This method returns the callback function for the given event.

    Note: Do not call the method directly, the recommended way to invoke a behavior is via callBehavior.

    A behavior is a way for associating client-side scripts with UI components that opens all sorts of possibilities, including client-side validation, DOM and style manipulation, keyboard handling, and more. When the behavior is triggered, the configured JavaScript gets executed.

    Behaviors are often, but not necessarily, AJAX behavior. When triggered, it initiates a request the server and processes the response once it is received. This enables several features such as updating or replacing elements dynamically. You can add an AJAX behavior via <p:ajax event="name" actionListener="#{...}" onstart="..." />.


    • name: string

      The name of an event for which to retrieve the behavior.

    Returns null | Behavior

    The behavior with the given name, or null if no such behavior exists.

  • getItemStyle(index: number): PlainObject<string | number>
  • Retrieves styles of the item according to items' index.


    • index: number

      Index of the action item element.

    Returns PlainObject<string | number>

    Styles of the action item

  • Each widget has got a container element, this method returns that container. This container element is usually also the element whose ID is the client-side ID of the JSF component.

    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

    The jQuery instance representing the main HTML container element of this widget.

  • getLabel(label: string): string
  • Gets a localized label text for this widget.


    • label: string

      The label key to look up

    Returns string

    The label text - either from the widget configuration if specified, or from the PrimeFaces global labels

  • getParentForm(): JQuery<HTMLElement>
  • Gets the closest parent form for this widget.



    Returns JQuery<HTMLElement>

    A JQuery instance that either contains the form when found, or an empty JQuery instance when the form could not be found.

  • getParentFormId(): undefined | string
  • Gets the closest parent form ID for this widget lazily so it can be used in AJAX requests.



    Returns undefined | string

    Either the form ID or undefined if no form can be found.

  • hasBehavior(event: string): boolean
  • Each widget may have one or several behaviors attached to it. This method checks whether this widget has got at least one behavior associated with given event name.

    A behavior is a way for associating client-side scripts with UI components that opens all sorts of possibilities, including client-side validation, DOM and style manipulation, keyboard handling, and more. When the behavior is triggered, the configured JavaScript gets executed.

    Behaviors are often, but not necessarily, AJAX behavior. When triggered, it initiates a request the server and processes the response once it is received. This enables several features such as updating or replacing elements dynamically. You can add an AJAX behavior via <p:ajax event="name" actionListener="#{...}" onstart="..." />.


    • event: string

      The name of an event to check.

    Returns boolean

    true if this widget has the given behavior, false otherwise.

  • hide(): void
  • Hides item container of the speed dial.

    Returns void

  • A widget class should not declare an explicit constructor, the default constructor provided by this base widget should be used. Instead, override this initialize method which is called after the widget instance was constructed. You can use this method to perform any initialization that is required. For widgets that need to create custom HTML on the client-side this is also the place where you should call your render method.

    Please make sure to call the super method first before adding your own custom logic to the init method:

    PrimeFaces.widget.MyWidget = PrimeFaces.widget.BaseWidget.extend({
    init: function(cfg) {
    // custom initialization


    • cfg: PartialWidgetCfg<TCfg>

      The widget configuration to be used for this widget instance. This widget configuration is usually created on the server by the javax.faces.render.Renderer for this component.

    Returns void

  • isDetached(): boolean
  • Checks if this widget is detached, ie whether the HTML element of this widget is currently contained within the DOM (the HTML body element). A widget may become detached during an AJAX update, and it may remain detached in case the update removed this component from the component tree.

    Returns boolean

    true if this widget is currently detached, or false otherwise.

  • Returns whether outside is clicked or not.


    Returns boolean

    Whether the outside was clicked.

  • Changes visibility of the item container.


    Returns void

  • onItemClick(): void
  • Hides item container of the speed dial.

    Returns void

  • postRender(): void
  • Called after the widget has become visible and after it was rendered. May be overridden, the default implementation is a no-op.

    Returns void

  • Used in ajax updates, reloads the widget configuration.

    When an AJAX call is made and this component is updated, the DOM element is replaced with the newly rendered content. However, no new instance of the widget is created. Instead, after the DOM element was replaced, this method is called with the new widget configuration from the server. This makes it possible to persist client-side state during an update, such as the currently selected tab.

    Please note that instead of overriding this method, you should consider adding a refresh listener instead via addRefreshListener. This has the advantage of letting you add multiple listeners, and makes it possible to add additional listeners from code outside this widget.

    By default, this method calls all refresh listeners, then reinitializes the widget by calling the init method.


    Returns unknown

    The value as returned by the init method, which is often undefined.

  • removeScriptElement(clientId: string | string[]): void
  • Removes the widget's script block from the DOM. Currently, the ID of this script block consists of the client-side ID of this widget with the prefix _s, but this is subject to change.


    • clientId: string | string[]

      The client-side ID of the widget.

    Returns void

  • This render method to check whether the widget container is visible. Do not override this method, or the deferred widget functionality may not work properly anymore.

    Returns ReturnOrVoid<undefined | boolean>

    true if the widget container is visible, false or undefined otherwise.

  • renderDeferred(): void
  • Call this method in the init method if you want deferred rendering support. This method checks whether the container of this widget is visible and call _render only once it is.

    Returns void

  • show(): void
  • Shows item container of the speeddial.

    Returns void

  • updateItemStyles(): void
  • Updates styles of the action items.

    Returns void

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