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The configuration for the Sidebar widget. You can access this configuration via BaseWidget.cfg. Please note that this configuration is usually meant to be read-only and should not be modified.




appendTo: string

The search expression for the element to which the overlay panel should be appended.

baseZIndex: number

Base z-index for the sidebar.

behaviors: Record<string, Behavior>

A map with all behaviors that were defined for this widget. The key is the name of the behavior, the value is the callback function that is invoked when the behavior is called.

blockScroll: boolean

true to prevent the body from being scrolled, false otherwise.

dynamic: boolean

true to load the content via AJAX when the overlay panel is opened, false to load the content immediately.

formId?: string

ID of the form to use for AJAX requests.

id: string | string[]

The client-side ID of the widget, with all parent naming containers, such as myForm:myWidget. This is also the ID of the container HTML element for this widget. In case the widget needs multiple container elements (such as Paginator), this may also be an array if IDs.

modal: boolean

Whether the sidebar is modal and blocks the main content and other dialogs.

Callback that is invoked when the sidebar is opened.

Callback that is invoked when the sidebar is closed.

postConstruct: PostConstructCallback

An optional callback that is invoked after this widget was created successfully, at the end of the init method. This is usually specified via the widgetPostConstruct attribute on the JSF component. Note that this is also called during a refresh (AJAX update).

postRefresh: PostRefreshCallback

An optional callback that is invoked after this widget was refreshed after an AJAX update, at the end of the refresh method. This is usually specified via the widgetPostRefresh attribute on the JSF component.

preDestroy: PreDestroyCallback

An optional callback that is invoked before this widget is about to be destroyed, e.g., when the component was removed at the end of an AJAX update. This is called at the beginning of the destroy method. This is usually specified via the widgetPreDestroy attribute on the JSF component.

showCloseIcon: boolean

Whether the close icon is displayed.

visible: boolean

Whether the sidebar is initially opened.

widgetVar: string

The name of the widget variables of this widget. The widget variable can be used to access a widget instance by calling PF("myWidgetVar").

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